JavaScript Event Reference

PS: This table summarizes and analyzes various commonly used JavaScript events, including mouse events, load events, scroll events, form events, edit events, and data binding events. It lists the event names, their browser support, and descriptions of their functions.

一般事件 A total of 10 types.

Event Browser support Commentary
onclick IE3、N2 This event is triggered when the mouse is clicked.
ondblclick IE4、N4 Double-clicking the mouse triggers this event.
onmousedown IE4、N4 Trigger this event when the mouse button is pressed.
onmouseup IE4、N4 This event is triggered when the mouse is pressed and released.
onmouseover IE3、N2 This event is triggered when the mouse is moved over the top of an object range.
onmousemove IE4、N4 This event is triggered when the mouse moves.
onmouseout IE4、N3 This event is triggered when the mouse leaves the range of an object.
onkeypress IE4、N4 An event is triggered when a key on the keyboard is pressed and released.
onkeydown IE4、N4 An event is triggered when a key on the keyboard is pressed.
onkeyup IE4、N4 An event is triggered when a key on the keyboard is pressed and released.

页面相关事件 A total of 9 types

Event Browser support Commentary
onabort IE4、N3 Image download was interrupted by the user.
onbeforeunload IE4、N This event is triggered when the content of the current page is about to change.
onerror IE4、N3 Trigger this event when an error occurs.
onload IE3、N2 This event triggers when the page content is completed.
onmove IE、N4 This event is triggered when the browser window is moved.
onresize IE4、N4 This event is triggered when the browser window size is changed.
onscroll IE4、N The event is triggered when the scrollbar position in the browser changes.
onstop IE5、N The event is triggered when the browser's stop button is pressed or a downloading file is interrupted.
onunload IE3、N2 This event is triggered when the current page is changed.

表单相关事件 A total of 5 types

Event Browser support Commentary
onblur IE3、N2 This event is triggered when the current element loses focus.
onchange IE3、N2 The event is triggered when the current element loses focus and its content changes.
onfocus IE3 、N2 This event is triggered when an element gains focus.
onreset IE4 、N3 The event is triggered when the RESET attribute of the form is activated.
onsubmit IE3 、N2 A form submission triggers this event.

滚动字幕事件 A total of 3 types

Event Browser support Commentary
onbounce IE4、N Content moving out of Marquee display range triggers this event.
onfinish IE4、N When the Marquee element finishes displaying the required content, this event is triggered.
onstart IE4、 N The event is triggered when the Marquee element starts displaying content.

编辑事件 A total of 20 types

Event Browser support Commentary
onbeforecopy IE5、N This event is triggered before the currently selected content on the page is to be copied to the browser's clipboard.
onbeforecut IE5、 N This event is triggered when part or all of the content on the page is to be [cut] and moved to the browser's clipboard.
onbeforeeditfocus IE5、N The current element is about to enter edit mode.
onbeforepaste IE5、 N This event is triggered when content is to be transferred [pasted] from the browser's clipboard to the page.
onbeforeupdate IE5、 N Notify the target object when the browser pastes content from the system clipboard.
oncontextmenu IE5、N The event triggered when the browser's right-click menu appears or the page menu is triggered by a keyboard key.
oncopy IE5、N This event is triggered after the currently selected content on the page is copied.
oncut IE5、N This event is triggered when the currently selected content on the page is cut.
ondrag IE5、N An event triggered when an object is dragged [Action Event]
ondragdrop IE、N4 An external object is dragged into the current window or frame.
ondragend IE5、N The event is triggered when the mouse drag ends, i.e., the mouse button is released.
ondragenter IE5、N The event is triggered when the object being dragged by the mouse enters the container's range.
ondragleave IE5、N The event is triggered when the object being dragged by the mouse leaves its container's range.
ondragover IE5、N An event is triggered when a dragged object is within the container range of another object.
ondragstart IE4、N This event is triggered when an object is being dragged.
ondrop IE5、N During a drag operation, this event is triggered when the mouse button is released.
onlosecapture IE5、N This event is triggered when an element loses the selection focus due to mouse movement.
onpaste IE5、N This event is triggered when content is pasted.
onselect IE4、N Event when text content is selected
onselectstart IE4、N Event triggered when the text content selection is about to start

数据绑定 A total of 10 types.

Event Browser support Commentary
onafterupdate IE4、N This event is triggered when data is completed from the data source to the object.
oncellchange IE5、N When the data source changes.
ondataavailable IE4、N An event is triggered when the data is received.
ondatasetchanged IE4、N Data change event triggered when data source changes
ondatasetcomplete IE4、N This event is triggered when all valid data from the coming data source has been read.
onerrorupdate IE4、N When data transmission is canceled by triggering the onBeforeUpdate event, instead of using onAfterUpdate event.
onrowenter IE5、N Event triggered when the current data source changes and new valid data is available.
onrowexit IE5、N Event triggered when the current data source is about to change.
onrowsdelete IE5、N This event is triggered when the current data record is about to be deleted.
onrowsinserted IE5、N This event is triggered when the current data source is about to insert a new record.

外部事件 A total of 6 types.

Event Browser support Commentary
onafterprint IE5、N This event is triggered after the document is printed.
onbeforeprint IE5、N This event is triggered when the document is about to be printed.
onfilterchange IE4、N Event triggered when a filter effect of an object changes.
onhelp IE4、N This event is triggered when the browser's F1 key is pressed or the help option is selected.
onpropertychange IE5、N An event is triggered when one of an object's properties changes.
onreadystatechange IE4、N An event is triggered when the initialization property value of an object changes.

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