Open-source modular frontend UI framework
Under the prosperity of the front-end community, we are all chasing, consciously or unconsciously. Yet, layui looks back, embarking on a journey to return to simplicity, confident and brave, seeking the original writing instructions, trying to interpret efficiency in the simplest way.
Not only life but also layui has two sides. One is minimalist, the other is abundant. Minimalism is the outer seen visually, the simplicity developers seek. Abundance is the intricately crafted inner, the promise at one's fingertips. It should be this way, simple yet complete, dual experiences.
如果眼下还是一团零星之火,那运筹帷幄之后,迎面东风,就是一场烈焰燎原吧,那必定会是一番尽情的燃烧。待,秋风萧瑟时,散作满天星辰,你看那四季轮回 ,正是 layui 不灭的执念。