PS: This table summarizes various commonly used PHP functions, including PHP string functions, array functions, math functions, MySQL functions, file/directory functions, GD library functions, SESSION functions, and Date/Time functions. It covers all kinds of commonly used functions involved in basic PHP operations, and provides simple explanations for each function for easy reference.
String-related operation functions |
Remove spaces or other characters |
trim | 删除字符串 Both ends 空格或其他预定义字符 |
rtrim | 删除字符串 right side 空格或其他预定义字符 |
chop | rtrim() 的别名 chop() differs from Perl's chop() function as it removes the last character of the string. |
ltrim | 删除字符串 Left 空格或其他预定义字符 |
String Generation and Conversion |
str_pad | Fill the string to the specified length using another string. |
str_split | Convert a string to an array |
strrev | Reverse a string |
wordwrap | Split a string into specified number of substrings |
str_shuffle | Randomly shuffle a string |
parse_str | Parse the string into variables |
number_format | Format strings with thousands separator |
String case conversion |
strtolower | convert string to lowercase |
strtoupper | Convert string to uppercase |
ucfirst | Capitalize the first letter of a string. |
lcfirst | Convert the first letter of a string to lowercase. |
ucwords | Capitalize the first letter of each word in the string. |
HTML tag association |
htmlentities | Convert characters to HTML entities |
htmlspecialchars | Predefined string to HTML encoding |
nl2br | 在字符串所有新行之前插入 HTML 换行标记 n转换为<br>标签 |
strip_tags | Remove HTML and PHP tags from a string |
addcslashes | Using backslash escape characters in string literals in C style |
stripcslashes | 反引用一个使用 addcslashes() 转义的字符串 |
addslashes | Use backslash to quote strings |
stripslashes | 删除由 addslashes 添加的转义字符 |
quotemeta | Add a backslash before certain predefined strings in a string. |
chr | 从指定的 ASCII 值返回字符 |
ord | 返回字符串第一个字符的 ASCII 值 |
String comparison |
strcasecmp | Case-insensitive comparison of two strings |
strcmp | Case-sensitive comparison of two strings |
strncmp | 比较字符串前N个字符,区分大小写 |
strncasecmp | Compare the first N characters of the strings, case-insensitively |
strnatcmp | Natural order method compares string lengths, case-sensitive |
strnatcasecmp | Natural order method compares string lengths, case-insensitive |
String search and replace |
str_replace | String replacement, case-sensitive |
str_ireplace | Case-insensitive string replacement operation |
substr_count | 统计一个字符串,在另一个字符串中出现的次数 |
substr_replace | Replace a substring with another string |
similar_text | Return the count of common characters between two strings. |
strrchr | Return the substring from the last occurrence of a string to the end of another string. |
strstr | Return the substring from the beginning to the end within another string. |
strchr | Alias of strstr, returns a substring starting from the first occurrence of one string within another until the end |
stristr | Return a substring from another string starting at the beginning position to the end position, case-insensitive. |
strtr | Translate certain characters in a string |
strpos | Find the first occurrence position of certain characters in a string |
stripos | Find the first occurrence position of certain characters in a string, case-insensitive. |
strrpos | Find the last occurrence position of certain characters in a string |
strripos | Find the last occurrence position of certain characters in a string, case-insensitive. |
strspn | Return the length of the first substring that matches the mask in the given string. |
strcspn | Return the length of the string that does not match the mask. |
String Statistics |
str_word_count | Count the number of words in a string |
strlen | Count string length |
count_chars | 统计字符串中所有字母出现的次数(0..255) |
String encoding |
md5 | Calculate the MD5 hash of a string |
hash | Generate a hash code. |
Array-related functions |
Create an array |
array | Create an array. |
array_combine | Generate an array where one array's values serve as keys and the other as values. |
range | Create and return an array containing elements within a specified range. |
compact | Create an array composed of variables carried by parameters. |
array_fill | Fill the generated array with given values. |
Array merging and splitting |
array_chunk | Split an array into new array blocks |
array_merge | Merge two or more arrays into one array. |
array_slice | Extract a segment of values from an array based on conditions and return them. |
Array comparison |
array_diff | Return the difference set array of two arrays |
array_intersect | Return the intersection array of two or more arrays |
Array Search and Replace |
array_search | Find a key value in an array |
array_splice | Remove part of the array and replace the rest. |
array_sum | Return the sum of all values in the array. |
in_array | Search for a specified value in an array, case sensitive |
array_key_exists | Check if a specified key exists in an array |
Array pointer operations |
key | Return the key name currently pointed to by the internal pointer of the array. |
current | Return the current element in the array |
next | Move the pointer to the next element's position and return the current element's value. |
prev | Move the pointer to the previous element and return the value of the current element. |
end | 将数组内部指针指向最后一个元素,并返回该元素的值 (If successful) |
reset | Set the internal pointer of the array to point to the first element and return its value. |
list | Assign values to variables using elements from an array. |
array_shift | Remove the first element from the array and return its value. |
array_unshift | Insert one or more elements at the beginning of an array |
array_push | Push one or more elements to the end of the array |
array_pop | Remove the last element of the array |
Array key operations |
shuffle | Shuffle array while retaining key names. |
count | Calculate the number of elements in an array or the number of properties in an object. |
array_flip | Return an array with keys and values flipped. |
array_keys | Return all keys of the array as an array. |
array_values | 返回数组所有值,组成一个数组 |
array_reverse | Return an array with elements in reverse order. |
array_count_values | Count the occurrences of all values in the array |
array_rand | Randomly select one or more elements from the array, note that it is the key name. |
each | Return the current key/value pair from the array and move the array pointer forward by one step. |
array_unique | Remove duplicate values from an array. |
Array sorting |
sort | Sort the array |
rsort | Reverse sort the array |
asort | Sort the array while maintaining the index relationships |
arsort | Reverse sort the array while maintaining index relationships |
ksort | Sort array by key name |
krsort | Sort the array by key name in reverse order |
natsort | Sort the array using the "Natural Sorting" algorithm. |
natcasesort | Sort the array using a "natural sort" algorithm, case-insensitive. |
Mathematical related functions |
abs | Find the absolute value |
ceil | Round up to the next integer |
floor | Discarding and rounding down |
fmod | Return the floating-point remainder of a division. |
pow | Return the Nth power of a number |
round | Floating-point rounding method |
sqrt | Find the square root |
max | Maximize |
min | Minimize |
mt_rand | Better random number |
rand | Random number |
pi | Obtain Pi |
octdec | Octal to decimal conversion |
MySQL-related functions |
mysql_affected_rows | Get the number of rows affected by the previous MySQL operation. |
mysql_client_encoding | Return the name of the character set |
mysql_close | Close MySQL connection |
mysql_connect | Establish a connection to the MySQL server. |
mysql_create_db | Create a new MySQL database |
mysql_data_seek | Move the pointer to the internal result |
mysql_db_name | Obtain result data |
mysql_db_query | Send a MySQL query |
mysql_drop_db | Drop a MySQL database |
mysql_errno | Return the numeric code for the error information of the previous MySQL operation. |
mysql_error | Return the text error message produced by the last MySQL operation. |
mysql_escape_string | Escape a string for use with mysql_query |
mysql_fetch_array | Retrieve a row from the result set as an associative array, or a numeric array, or both. |
mysql_fetch_assoc | Retrieve a row from the result set as an associative array |
mysql_fetch_field | Retrieve column information from a result set and return it as an object. |
mysql_fetch_lengths | Get the length of each output in the result set. |
mysql_fetch_object | Fetch a row from the result set as an object. |
mysql_fetch_row | Retrieve a single row from a result set as an enumeration array |
mysql_field_flags | Extract flags associated with specified fields from the results. |
mysql_field_len | Return the length of a specified field. |
mysql_field_name | Get the field name of the specified field in the result |
mysql_field_seek | Set the pointer in the result set to the specified field offset. |
mysql_field_table | Get the table name where the specified field is located |
mysql_field_type | Get the type of a specified field in the result set. |
mysql_free_result | Release result memory |
mysql_get_client_info | Retrieve MySQL client information |
mysql_get_host_info | Retrieve MySQL host information |
mysql_get_proto_info | Retrieve MySQL protocol information |
mysql_get_server_info | Retrieve MySQL server information |
mysql_info | Retrieve the information of the latest query. |
mysql_insert_id | Obtain the ID generated by the previous INSERT operation |
mysql_list_dbs | List all databases in the MySQL server. |
mysql_list_fields | List fields in MySQL result |
mysql_list_processes | List MySQL processes |
mysql_list_tables | List the tables in the MySQL database. |
mysql_num_fields | Get the number of fields in the result set |
mysql_num_rows | Get the number of rows in the result set. |
mysql_pconnect | Establish a persistent connection to a MySQL server |
mysql_ping | Ping a server connection, and reconnect if not connected. |
mysql_query | Send a MySQL query |
mysql_real_escape_string | Escape special characters in the string used in SQL statements, taking into account the current connection character set. |
mysql_result | Obtain result data |
mysql_select_db | Select MySQL database |
mysql_set_charset | Sets the client character set |
mysql_stat | Get current system status |
mysql_tablename | Get table name |
mysql_thread_id | Return the current thread's ID |
mysql_unbuffered_query | Send an SQL query to MySQL without fetching and caching the rows of the result |
File directory handling functions |
basename | Return the filename part from the path. |
chgrp | Change file group ownership |
chmod | Change file mode |
chown | Change file owner |
clearstatcache | Clear file status cache |
copy | Copy file |
delete | See unlink or unset. |
dirname | The directory part in the path returned. |
disk_free_space | Return to the directory's available space. |
disk_total_space | Return the total disk size of a directory |
diskfreespace | alias for disk_free_space: available disk space |
fclose | Close an open file pointer |
feof | Check if the file pointer has reached the end of the file |
fflush | Output buffered content to file |
fgetc | Read characters from a file pointer. |
fgetcsv | Read a line from a file pointer and parse CSV fields |
fgets | Read a line from a file pointer |
fgetss | Read a line from a file pointer and filter out HTML tags. |
file_exists | Check if file or directory exists |
file_get_contents | Read the entire file into a string |
file_put_contents | Write a string to a file. |
file | Read the entire file into an array. |
fileatime | Get the last access time of the file. |
filectime | Get the inode modification time of the file |
filegroup | Gaining access to the file group |
fileinode | Obtain file's inode |
filemtime | Get file modification time |
fileowner | Acquire the owner of the file |
fileperms | Get file permissions |
filesize | Get file size |
filetype | Retrieve file type |
flock | Lightweight consultation document locked |
fnmatch | Match files by pattern |
fopen | Open file or URL |
fpassthru | All remaining data at the output file pointer |
fputcsv | Format rows as CSV and write to file pointer |
fputs | alias of fwrite |
fread | Read file (safe for binary files) |
fscanf | Format input from file |
fseek | Locate in file pointer |
fstat | Obtain file information through an open file pointer. |
ftell | Return the file pointer to the read/write position. |
ftruncate | Truncate file to a given length |
fwrite | Write to file (safe for binary files) |
glob | Find file paths matching the pattern |
is_dir | Determine if a given filename is a directory |
is_executable | Check if a given filename is executable |
is_file | Determine if a given filename is a normal file. |
is_link | Check if the given filename is a symbolic link |
is_readable | Check if the given filename is readable |
is_uploaded_file | Determine if a file was uploaded via HTTP POST |
is_writable | Check if the given filename is writable. |
is_writeable | is_writable alias |
lchgrp | Changes group ownership of symlink |
lchown | Changes user ownership of symlink |
link | Establish a hard link |
linkinfo | Get the information of a connection |
lstat | Provide information about a file or symbolic link. |
md5_file | Calculate the MD5 hash of a file |
mkdir | Create new directory |
move_uploaded_file | Move uploaded file to a new location. |
parse_ini_file | Parse a configuration file |
parse_ini_string | Parse a configuration string |
pathinfo | Return the file path information. |
pclose | Close process file pointers |
popen | Open process file pointer |
readfile | Output a file |
readlink | Return the target of the symbolic link. |
realpath_cache_get | Get realpath cache entries |
realpath_cache_size | Get realpath cache size |
realpath | Return normalized absolute path name |
rename | Rename a file or directory |
rewind | rewind file pointer |
rmdir | Delete directory |
set_file_buffer | alias of stream_set_write_buffer |
stat | Provide file information. |
symlink | Establish symbolic links |
tempnam | Create a file with a unique filename. |
tmpfile | Create a temporary file |
touch | Set file access and modification times |
umask | Change the current umask. |
unlink | Delete file |
GD/Image function |
gd_info | Retrieve information about the currently installed GD library. |
getimagesize | Get image size |
getimagesizefromstring | Get the size of an image from a string |
image_type_to_extension | File extension for image types |
image_type_to_mime_type | Retrieve the MIME type of the image from the return values of getimagesize(), exif_read_data(), exif_thumbnail(), and exif_imagetype(). |
image2wbmp | Output image in WBMP format to a browser or file |
imagealphablending | Set the image's blending mode. |
imageantialias | Is antialiasing enabled? |
imagearc | Draw an elliptical arc |
imagechar | Draw a character horizontally. |
imagecharup | Draw a character vertically |
imagecolorallocate | Assign colors to an image |
imagecolorallocatealpha | Assign colors + alpha to an image |
imagecolorat | Get the color index value of a pixel. |
imagecolorclosest | Get the index value of the color closest to the specified color. |
imagecolorclosestalpha | Find the closest color with specified opacity. |
imagecolorclosesthwb | Find the index of the shade closest to the given color in grayscale. |
imagecolordeallocate | Cancel image color assignment |
imagecolorexact | Get the index value of a specified color. |
imagecolorexactalpha | Obtain the index value for a specified color with transparency. |
imagecolormatch | Make the palette version of an image's colors more closely match the true color version. |
imagecolorresolve | Obtain the index value of a specified color or the closest alternative if possible. |
imagecolorresolvealpha | Obtain the index value of the specified color + alpha, or the closest substitute if possible. |
imagecolorset | Set color for specified palette index |
imagecolorsforindex | Get the color of an index |
imagecolorstotal | Obtain the number of colors in an image's palette |
imagecolortransparent | Define a color as transparent. |
imageconvolution | Apply a 3x3 convolutional matrix using coefficient div and offset. |
imagecopy | Copy a part of the image. |
imagecopymerge | Copy and merge a portion of an image |
imagecopymergegray | Merge a portion of an image using grayscale copy. |
imagecopyresampled | Resample and copy a portion of the image and adjust the size. |
imagecopyresized | Copy and resize part of the images |
imagecreate | Create a new image based on a palette |
imagecreatefromgd2 | Create an image from a GD2 file or URL |
imagecreatefromgd2part | Create a new image from part of the given GD2 file or URL. |
imagecreatefromgd | Create an image from a GD file or URL. |
imagecreatefromgif | Create a new image from a file or URL |
imagecreatefromjpeg | Create a new image from a file or URL |
imagecreatefrompng | Create a new image from a file or URL |
imagecreatefromstring | Create a new image from a string-based image stream |
imagecreatefromwbmp | Create a new image from a file or URL |
imagecreatefromxbm | Create a new image from a file or URL |
imagecreatefromxpm | Create a new image from a file or URL |
imagecreatetruecolor | Create a true-color image |
imagedashedline | Draw a dashed line. |
imagedestroy | Destroy an image. |
imageellipse | Draw an ellipse. |
imagefill | Regional filling |
imagefilledarc | Draw an ellipse arc and fill it |
imagefilledellipse | Draw and fill an ellipse |
imagefilledpolygon | Draw a polygon and fill it |
imagefilledrectangle | Draw a rectangle and fill it. |
imagefilltoborder | Fill region to the boundary of specified color |
imagefilter | Apply a filter to the image. |
imagefontheight | Get font height |
imagefontwidth | Obtain font width |
imageftbbox | Create a text box using the FreeType 2 font. |
imagefttext | Write text into an image using FreeType 2 font |
imagegammacorrect | Apply gamma correction to the GD image. |
imagegd2 | Output GD2 image to browser or file |
imagegd | Output GD image to browser or file |
imagegif | Output image to browser or file |
imagegrabscreen | Captures the whole screen |
imagegrabwindow | Captures a window |
imageinterlace | Activate or disable interlaced scanning |
imageistruecolor | Check if the image is a true color image. |
imagejpeg | Output image to browser or file |
imagelayereffect | Set the alpha blending flag to use the bound libgd layer effects. |
imageline | Draw a line segment. |
imageloadfont | Load a new font. |
imagepalettecopy | Copy the palette from one image to another. |
imagepng | Output image in PNG format to browser or file |
imagepolygon | Draw a polygon. |
imagepsbbox | Create a text box using a PostScript Type1 font. |
imagepsencodefont | Change the character encoding vector in the font |
imagepsextendfont | Expand or condense font size |
imagepsfreefont | Release the memory occupied by a PostScript Type 1 font. |
imagepsloadfont | Load a PostScript Type 1 font from a file. |
imagepsslantfont | Tilt a font |
imagepstext | Draw text string on image using PostScript Type1 font. |
imagerectangle | Draw a rectangle. |
imagerotate | Rotate image by given angle. |
imagesavealpha | Set a flag to save full alpha channel information when saving PNG images (as opposed to a single transparent color). |
imagesetbrush | Set the line drawing pen image |
imagesetpixel | Draw a single pixel. |
imagesetstyle | Set the line style |
imagesetthickness | Set line width |
imagesettile | Texture set for filling |
imagestring | Draw a string horizontally. |
imagestringup | Draw a string vertically |
imagesx | Get image width |
imagesy | Get image height |
imagetruecolortopalette | Convert true-color images to palette images |
imagettfbbox | Range of text using TrueType fonts |
imagettftext | Write text to an image using TrueType font |
imagetypes | Retrieve the image types supported by the current PHP version. |
imagewbmp | Output image in WBMP format to a browser or file |
imagexbm | Output XBM image to browser or file |
iptcembed | Embed binary IPTC data into a JPEG image |
iptcparse | Parse the binary IPTC block at into individual tags. |
jpeg2wbmp | Convert JPEG image files to WBMP image files. |
png2wbmp | Convert PNG image file to WBMP image file |
session function |
session_cache_expire | Return current cache expiration |
session_cache_limiter | get and set the current cache limit/limit |
session_commit | alias for session_write_close: session_close |
session_decode | Session data from a session-encoded string |
session_destroy | Destroy all data registered to the session. |
session_encode | Encode the current session data into a string |
session_get_cookie_params | Retrieve session cookie parameters |
session_id | Get and/or set current session ID |
session_is_registered | Check if the variable is already registered in the session. |
session_module_name | Access and/or set the current session module |
session_name | Get and/or set the current session name |
session_regenerate_id | Update the newly generated session identifier |
session_register_shutdown | Session shutdown feature |
session_register | Register one or more global variables with the current session. |
session_save_path | Get and/or set the current session save path |
session_set_cookie_params | Set session cookie parameters |
session_set_save_handler | Set user-level session storage feature |
session_start | Start a new or resume an existing session |
session_status | Return current session state |
session_unregister | Terminate the global variable of the current session |
session_unset | Free all session variables |
session_write_close | Write session data and end session. |
cookie function |
setcookie() | Set cookie |
setrawcookie | Send a cookie without URL encoding |
Date/Time function |
checkdate | Verify a Gregorian date |
date_add | Alias DateTime::add |
date_create_from_format | Alias DateTime::createFromFormat |
date_create | Alias DateTime::__construct |
date_date_set | Alias DateTime::setDate |
date_default_timezone_get | Retrieve the default timezone used by all datetime functions in a script. |
date_default_timezone_set | Set the default timezone for all datetime functions in the script. |
date_diff | Alias DateTime::diff |
date_format | Alias DateTime::format |
date_get_last_errors | Alias DateTime::getLastErrors |
date_interval_create_from_date_string | Alias DateInterval::createFromDateString |
date_interval_format | Alias DateInterval::format |
date_isodate_set | Alias DateTime::setISODate |
date_modify | Alias DateTime::modify |
date_offset_get | Alias DateTime::getOffset |
date_parse_from_format | Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format |
date_parse | Returns associative array with detailed info about given date |
date_sub | Alias DateTime::sub |
date_sun_info | Returns an array with information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end |
date_sunrise | Return the sunrise time for the given date and location. |
date_sunset | Return the sunset time for the given date and location. |
date_time_set | Alias DateTime::setTime |
date_timestamp_get | Alias DateTime::getTimestamp |
date_timestamp_set | Alias DateTime::setTimestamp |
date_timezone_get | Alias DateTime::getTimezone |
date_timezone_set | Alias DateTime::setTimezone |
date | Format a local date/time |
getdate | Retrieve date/time information |
gettimeofday | Get current time |
gmdate | Format a GMT/UTC date/time |
gmmktime | Get the UNIX timestamp for the GMT date. |
gmstrftime | Format GMT/UTC time/date based on regional settings |
idate | Format local date and time as an integer |
localtime | Get local time |
microtime | Return the current Unix timestamp and microseconds |
mktime | Obtain a Unix timestamp for a date |
strftime | Format local time/date based on region settings |
strptime | Decoding the date/time generated by strftime |
strtotime | Parse any English text that describes a date and time into a Unix timestamp. |
time | Return the current Unix timestamp. |
timezone_abbreviations_list | Alias DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations |
timezone_identifiers_list | Alias DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers |
timezone_location_get | Alias DateTimeZone::getLocation |
timezone_name_from_abbr | Returns the timezone name from abbreviation |
timezone_name_get | Alias DateTimeZone::getName |
timezone_offset_get | Alias DateTimeZone::getOffset |
timezone_open | Alias DateTimeZone::__construct |
timezone_transitions_get | Alias DateTimeZone::getTransitions |
timezone_version_get | Gets the version of the timezonedb |
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