EASCII Code Chart

EASCII码对照表 Binary, decimal, hexadecimal

EASCII (Extended ASCII, an extension of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, EASCⅡ) expands the ASCII code from 7 to 8 bits. The EASCII code consists of 256 characters, ranging from 0 to 255. Symbols extended from ASCII include tab symbols, calculation symbols, Greek letters, and special Latin symbols.

ISO/IEC 8859是最常见的8位字符编码。除此之外,不同的操作系统都会有它的8位字符编码。
下列符号是ISO/IEC 8859-1所包含的符号,是在万维网和中使用的扩展ASCII字符集中最常见的的符号。

Symbol Hexadecimal Decimal system Method of representation Name
00A0 0160   Space
¡ 00A1 0161 ¡ exclamation point
¢ 00A2 0162 ¢ English fractions
£ 00A3 0163 £ pound
¤ 00A4 0164 ¤ Currency symbol
¥ 00A5 0165 ¥ Yen
§ 00A7 0167 § breve
¨ 00A8 0168 ¨ syllable note (vowel modification)
© 00A9 0169 © Copyright symbol
ª 00AA 0170 ª negative ordinal numeral sign
« 00AB 0171 « Left pointing double quotation marks
¬ 00AC 0172 ¬ Unlabeled
® 00AE 0174 ® Register a trademark
¯ 00AF 0175 ¯ Long note
° 00B0 0176 ° degree
± 00B1 0177 ± positive and negative
´ 00B4 0180 ´ Accented note
µ 00B5 0181 µ Microsymbol
00B6 0182 ¶ Paragraph marker
· 00B7 0183 · Center point (Georgian comma)
¸ 00B8 0184 ¸ soft sign
º 00BA 0186 º positive ordinal notation
» 00BB 0187 » Right pointing double尖quote
¿ 00BF 0191 ¿ Vertical question mark
À 00C0 0192 À Inverted accented note
Á 00C1 0193 Á Sharp note A
 00C2 0194  Yangyi symbol A
à 00C3 0195 à Apices, or A-bar
Ä 00C4 0196 Ä Note value A
Å 00C5 0197 Å A with a circle around it
Æ 00C6 0198 Æ Lianzi AE
Ç 00C7 0199 Ç subscript C
È 00C8 0200 È Accidental flat
É 00C9 0201 É Sharp note E
Ê 00CA 0202 Ê E is an ornamental symbol, often used as a musical or linguistic symbol. In Chinese, it could be translated as "E ornamental symbol" or simply "ornament E."
Ë 00CB 0203 Ë Fraction note E
Ì 00CC 0204 Ì Inverted accented note
Í 00CD 0205 Í Acute note I
Î 00CE 0206 Î Yáng yì fú I (扬抑符 I) Note: This seems to be a phrase that combines Chinese characters with a Roman numeral. "扬抑符" could be referring to a specific symbol or concept in Chinese, but without additional context, it's challenging to provide an exact translation. If "扬抑符" refers to a musical or linguistic symbol, it might translate to "elevation and suppression sign" or "elevated-suppressed sign." However, "
Ï 00CF 0207 Ï Fractional note I
Ñ 00D1 0209 Ñ Nasalization symbol
Ò 00D2 0210 Ò Inverted pitch sign (O)
Ó 00D3 0211 Ó Sharp note O
Ô 00D4 0212 Ô Yangyi symbol (O)
Õ 00D5 0213 Õ Orofugal symbol
Ö 00D6 0214 Ö Note value O
Ø 00D8 0216 Ø O with a diagonal line
Ù 00D9 0217 Ù Diacritic mark U
Ú 00DA 0218 Ú Sharp note U
Û 00DB 0219 Û U+3003, Ideographic Space
Ü 00DC 0220 Ü Note value U
ß 00DF 0223 ß Qingyin S (Qingyin sound S)
à 00E0 0224 à Accidental flattener
á 00E1 0225 á Sharp note A
â 00E2 0226 â Tone marker
ã 00E3 0227 ã Affricate symbol
ä 00E4 0228 ä Notehead a
å 00E5 0229 å Notehead a
æ 00E6 0230 æ "连字ae" in English can be translated as "hyphenae" or "dashed ae". If you are referring to the word "ae" as a part of a word like "courage" (which is often hyphenated as "cur-a-ge"), then it could simply be "hyphenated ae".
ç 00E7 0231 ç subscript c
è 00E8 0232 è Diacritic e
é 00E9 0233 é Sharp note E
ê 00EA 0234 ê E flat or E♭
ë 00EB 0235 ë Note E
ì 00EC 0236 ì Diacritic mark 'i'
í 00ED 0237 í Sharp note i
î 00EE 0238 î Yáng yì fú (扬抑符) translates to "ascending and descending accent mark" or "intonation symbol". In English, it could be simplified as "intonation symbol" or "diacritic mark".
ï 00EF 0239 ï Fraction note i
ñ 00F1 0241 ñ Alveolar click symbol
ò 00F2 0242 ò Inverted nullaccidentals (o)
ó 00F3 0243 ó Sharp note
ô 00F4 0244 ô Yangyi symbol
õ 00F5 0245 õ Orofuge mark
ö 00F6 0246 ö Note value O
÷ 00F7 0247 ÷ Division sign
ø 00F8 0248 ø O with slash
ù 00F9 0249 ù Accented umlaut u
ú 00FA 0250 ú Acute note
û 00FB 0251 û Uplift symbol
ü 00FC 0252 ü Note value u
ÿ 00FF 0255 ÿ yue (音符名)

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