HTTP Request Methods Reference Table

HTTP1.0定义了三种请求方法: GET, POST 和 HEAD方法。

Serial number method Description
1 GET Request specified page information and return the entity body.
2 HEAD Similar to a GET request, but the response does not contain specific content, used to retrieve headers.
3 POST Submit data for processing to a specified resource (e.g., submitting a form or uploading a file). Data is included in the request body. POST requests may lead to the creation of new resources and/or modification of existing ones.
4 PUT Data sent from the client replaces the content of the specified document.
5 DELETE Request the server to delete the specified page.
6 CONNECT HTTP/1.1 reserves a connection for agents that can change the connection to a pipeline mode.
7 OPTIONS Allow clients to view server performance.
8 TRACE Echo server received the request, mainly for testing or diagnostics.
9 PATCH An entity includes a table that specifies the differences from the original content represented by the URI.
10 MOVE Request the server to move the specified page to another network address.
11 COPY Request the server to copy the specified page to another network address.
12 LINK Request the server to establish a connection.
13 UNLINK Disengage the link.
14 WRAPPED Allow clients to send encapsulated requests.
15 Extension-mothed Under the condition of not altering the agreement, an additional method can be added.

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