['email, username, password,agree,verifyPassword,verifyCode', 'required']'email, username, password, agree, verifyPassword, verifyCode' are request fields
['email','unique','message'=>'用户名已占用']The email field is requested; the system will check the database table for duplicate fields.
['email, username', 'length', 'max'=>64]'email, username' field length cannot exceed 64 characters
['username', 'length', 'max'=>7, 'min'=>2, 'tooLong'=>'用户名请输入长度为4-14个字符', 'tooShort'=>'用户名请输入长度为2-7个字']
['password', 'length', 'max'=>22, 'min'=>6, 'tooLong'=>'密码请输入长度为6-22位字符', 'tooShort'=>'密码请输入长度为6-22位字符']
['email','email','message'=>'邮箱格式错误']Verify if the input email field is in email format, without writing a separate validation rule!
['verifyPassword', 'compare', 'compareAttribute'=>'password', 'message'=>'请再输入确认密码'],
['agree', 'required', 'requiredValue'=>true,'message'=>'请确认是否同意隐私权协议条款']message - prompt information
['created', 'date', 'format'=>'yyyy/MM/dd/ HH:mm:ss']
['superuser', 'in', 'range' => array(0, 1)]Superuser does not include 0 and 1.
['name','match','pattern'=>'/^[a-z0-9-_]+$/']name Input Validation Field | pattern Regular Expression Rule
['id', 'numerical', 'min'=>1, 'max'=>10, 'integerOnly'=>true]Field ID | Verify if the input number is between 1 and 10!
['created', 'type', 'datetime']Verify integer, float, string, array, date, time, timestamp
['filename', 'file', 'allowEmpty'=>true, 'types'=>'zip, rar, xls, pdf, ppt','tooLarge'=>'图片不要超过800K']Filename field | Types specified format
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