Suggest using Ctrl+F to search for status codes.
如果向您的服务器发出了某项请求要求显示您网站上的某个网页,那么,您的服务器会返回 HTTP 状态代码以响应该请求。Status | Status description |
1xx (Temporary Responses) |
Status codes for temporary responses requiring action from the requestor to proceed.
Code description 100 (Continue) The client should continue to send the request. Returning this code means the server has received the first part of the request and is waiting for the rest. 101(切换协议) 请求者已要求服务器切换协议,服务器已确认并准备进行切换。 |
2xx (Success) |
Status code indicating the server has successfully processed the request. Code description200 (Success) The server successfully processed the request. Usually, this indicates that the server provided the requested webpage. If your robots.txt file shows this status, it means Googlebot has successfully retrieved the file. 201 (Created) Request successful, new resource created by server. 202 (Accepted) The server has accepted the request but has not yet processed it. 203 (Unauthorized Information) The server successfully processed the request but returned information possibly from another source. 204 (no content) The server successfully processed the request but returned no content. 205 (Reset Content) The server successfully processed the request but did not return any content. Unlike the 204 response, this one requires the requestor to reset the document view (e.g., clear form content for new input). 206(部分内容) 服务器成功处理了部分 GET 请求。 |
3xx (Redirected) |
To complete the request, further action is required. Typically, these status codes are permanent redirects. Google recommends using fewer than 5 redirects per request. You can use the website management tools to check if Googlebot encounters any issues while crawling the redirected pages. 。 Code description300 (various options) The server can perform multiple actions based on the request. The server can choose an action according to the user agent or provide a list of actions for the user to select. 301 (Moved Permanently) The requested web page has been permanently moved to a new location. When the server returns this response (in response to a GET or HEAD request), the requestor is automatically redirected to the new location. You should use this code to inform Googlebot that a webpage or website has been permanently moved. 302 (Temporary Redirect) The server is currently responding to requests from web pages at different locations, but the requester should continue using the original location for future requests. Similar to the 301 code for responding to GET and HEAD requests, it automatically redirects the requester to a different location. However, since Googlebot will continue to crawl the original location and index it, you should not use this code to inform Googlebot that a page or website has been moved. 303 (See Other) - The server returns this code when the requester should make separate GET requests to different locations to retrieve the response. For all requests except HEAD, the server automatically redirects to another location. 304(未修改)自从上次请求后,请求的网页未被修改过。服务器返回此响应时,不会返回网页内容。 If the web page hasn't changed since the last request from the user, you should configure the server to return this response (known as the If-Modified-Since HTTP header). As the server can inform Googlebot that the page hasn't been modified since the last crawl, this can save bandwidth and costs. 305 (Proxy Required) The requestor can only access the requested webpage through a proxy. If the server returns this response, it will also specify the proxy the requestor should use. 307(临时重定向) 服务器目前正从不同位置的网页响应请求,但请求者应继续使用原有位置来进行以后的请求。此代码与响应 GET 和 HEAD 请求的 301 代码类似,会自动将请求者转到不同的位置。但由于 Googlebot 会继续抓取原有位置并将其编入索引,因此您不应使用此代码来通知 Googlebot 某个页面或网站已被移动。 |
4xx (Request Errors) |
These status codes indicate that the request may be erroneous, hindering the server's processing of the request. Code description400 (Bad Request) The server does not understand the syntax of the request. 401 (Unauthorized) The request requires authentication. After logging in, the server may return this response for the page. 403 (Forbidden) The server refused the request. If this status code appears when Googlebot tries to crawl valid pages on your site (you can see this code on the Network Crawl page in Google Search Console), it may mean your server or host is blocking Googlebot's access. 404(未找到)服务器找不到请求的网页。例如,如果请求是针对服务器上不存在的网页进行的,那么,服务器通常会返回此代码。 如然而,如果您有 robots.txt 文件而又发现了此状态,那么,这说明您的 robots.txt 文件可能是命名错误或位于错误的位置。(该文件应当位于顶级域名上,且应当名为 robots.txt)。 If you see this status on a URL Googlebot attempted to crawl (on the HTTP Error page under the "Diagnostics" tab), it indicates that Googlebot may be following a broken link (either an outdated link or one entered incorrectly) from another page. 405 (Method Not Allowed) Disable the specified method in the request. 406 (Not Acceptable) The requested webpage cannot be served due to the requested content features. 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) Similar to 401 (Unauthorized), this status code indicates the requestor should authenticate using a proxy. If the server returns this response, it will also specify the proxy the requestor should use. 408 Timeout: The server timed out while waiting for the request. 409 (Conflict) The server encountered a conflict while trying to fulfill the request. The server must include information about the conflict in the response. This code may be returned by the server when responding to a PUT request that conflicts with a previous request, along with a list of differences between the two requests. 410 (Deleted) This response is returned when the requested resource has been permanently removed. Similar to 404 (Not Found), it may replace 404 when the resource once existed but no longer does. If the resource has been deleted, use 301 to redirect to a new location. 411 (Length Required) The server will not accept requests that include a header field with an invalid content length. 412 (Precondition Failed) The server did not meet one of the preconditions set by the requestor in the request. 413 (Request Entity Too Large) The server is unable to process the request as the request entity exceeds the server's capacity. 414 (Request-URI Too Long) The requested URI (usually a URL) is too long for the server to process. 415 (Unsupported Media Type) The requested format is not supported by the request page. 416 (Range Not Satisfiable) If the request is for an invalid range of a web page, the server will return this status code. 417(未满足期望值) 服务器未满足"期望"请求标头字段的要求。 |
5xx (Server Errors) |
These status codes indicate that an internal error occurred while the server was trying to process the request. These errors may be the server's fault, not the request itself. Code description500 (Internal Server Error) The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. 501 (Not Implemented) The server lacks the capability to fulfill the request. For example, this code may be returned when the server cannot recognize the request method. 502 Error: The server, acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an upstream server. 503 (Service Unavailable): The server is currently unavailable due to overload or maintenance. Typically, this is a temporary condition. 504 Gateway Timeout: The server, acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive the request from upstream servers in time. 505(HTTP 版本不受支持) 服务器不支持请求中所使用的 HTTP 协议版本。 |
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