WeChat Mini Program Component Description Sheet


The framework provides a set of basic components for developers, enabling quick development through the combination of these components.

What is a component:

<tagname property="value">
  Content goes here ...


Type Description Annotation
Boolean Boolean The component sets this property, and regardless of its value, it is always true. The property value is false only when the component does not have this property. If the property value is a variable, the variable's value is converted to a Boolean type.
Number Digital 1, 2.5
String String “string”
Array Array [ 1, “string” ]
Object object { key: value }
EventHandler Event handling function name "handlerName" is the event handler function name defined in the Page.
Any Arbitrary attribute
Attribute Type Description Annotation
id String Unique component identifier Maintain page uniqueness
class String Component's style class Style class defined in the corresponding WXSS
style String inline styles of components Dynamic inline styles
hidden String Component visibility? All components are displayed by default.
data-* Any Custom attribute When an event is triggered on a component, it is sent to the event handler function.
bind* / catch* EventHandler 。 Component events.


Basic components are divided into the following categories:

View Container Basic Content Form Navigation Multimedia Map Canvas

视图容器(View Container):

Component name Annotation Component properties
attribute name Type Default value Instruction Minimum version
view View container hover-class String none 指定按下去的样式类。当 hover-class="none" 时,没有点击态效果
hover-stop-propagation Boolean false Specify whether to block ancestor nodes of this node from being in click state. 1.5.0
hover-start-time Number 50 How long after pressing does the click state appear, in milliseconds?
hover-stay-time Number 400 Click state retention time after finger release, unit: milliseconds
scroll-view Scrollable view container scroll-x Boolean false Allow horizontal scrolling
scroll-y Boolean false Enable vertical scrolling
upper-threshold Number 50 How far from the top/left (in px) does it trigger the scrolltoupper event?
lower-threshold Number 50 How far from the bottom/right (in px) does it trigger the scrolltolower event?
scroll-top Number Set vertical scrollbar position
scroll-left Number Set horizontal scrollbar position
scroll-into-view String The value should be the ID of a child element (the ID cannot start with a number). The scroll direction can be set to the direction in which scrolling will occur to the element.
scroll-with-animation Boolean false Use animation transitions when setting scrollbar position.
enable-back-to-top Boolean false When tapping the top status bar on iOS or double-tapping the title bar on Android, the scrollbar returns to the top, supporting vertical scrolling only.
bindscrolltoupper EventHandle Scroll to top/left will trigger the scrolltoupper event.
bindscrolltolower EventHandle Scroll to the bottom/right to trigger the scrolltolower event.
bindscroll EventHandle Triggered on scroll, event.detail = {scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollHeight, scrollWidth, deltaX, deltaY}
swiper Slider view container indicator-dots Boolean false Is the panel indicator point displayed?
indicator-color Color rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) Instruction point color 1.1.0
indicator-active-color Color #000000 Current selected indicator point color 1.1.0
autoplay Boolean false Is it automatic switching?
current Number 0 Current page index
interval Number 5000 Automatic time interval switching
duration Number 500 Slide animation duration
circular Boolean false Whether to adopt a linkage slider
vertical Boolean false Is the sliding direction vertical?
bindchange EventHandle The "change" event is triggered when "current" changes, event.detail = {current: current, source: source}.

基础内容(Basic Content):

Component name Annotation Component properties
attribute name Type Default value Instruction Minimum version
icon 图标 type String icon的类型,有效值:success, success_no_circle, info, warn, waiting, cancel, download, search, clear
size Number 23 Icon size, unit: px
color Color Icon color, same as CSS's color
text Text selectable Boolean false Text is optional. 1.1.0
space String false 显示连续空格
有效值 ensp:中文字符空格一半大小 emsp:中文字符空格大小 nbsp:根据字体设置的空格大小
decode Boolean false Is decoded 1.4.0
progress progress bar percent Float None 0~100 percent
show-info Boolean false Display the percentage on the right side of the progress bar.
stroke-width Number 6 Progress bar line width, unit: px
color Color #09BB07 Progress bar color (use activeColor)
activeColor Color Color of selected progress bar
backgroundColor Color Color of unselected progress bar
active Boolean false Animation of progress bar from left to right
active-mode String backwards Backwards: Play animation from the beginning; Forwards: Resume animation from the last stop. 1.7.0


Component name Annotation Component properties
attribute name Type Default value Instruction Effective timing Minimum version
button Button size String default Button size
type String default Button style type
plain Boolean false Is the button hollow and the background color transparent?
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
loading Boolean false Is there a loading icon before the name?
form-type String 用于 <form/> 组件,点击分别会触发 <form/> 组件的 submit/reset 事件
open-type String WeChat Open Ability 1.1.0
hover-class String button-hover 指定按钮按下去的样式类。当 hover-class="none" 时,没有点击态效果
hover-stop-propagation Boolean false Specify whether to block ancestor nodes of this node from being in click state. 1.5.0
hover-start-time Number 20 How long after pressing does the click state appear, in milliseconds?
hover-stay-time Number 70 Click state retention time after finger release, unit: milliseconds
bindgetuserinfo Handler When the user clicks the button, it will return the obtained user information. The value obtained from the 'detail' parameter is the same as wx.getUserInfo. open-type="getUserInfo' 1.3.0
lang String en Specify the language for returning user information: zh_CN for Simplified Chinese, zh_TW for Traditional Chinese, en for English. open-type="getUserInfo" 1.3.0
session-from String Session Source open-type="contact" 1.4.0
send-message-title String Current Title Session Message Card Title open-type="contact" 1.5.0
send-message-path String current shared path Session message card click to jump to miniprogram path open-type="contact" 1.5.0
send-message-img String screenshot Session card picture open-type="contact" 1.5.0
show-message-card Boolean false Show session message cards open-type="contact" 1.5.0
bindcontact Handler Customer service message callback open-type="contact" 1.5.0
bindgetphonenumber Handler Get user phone number callback open-type="getphonenumber" 1.2.0
form Form report-submit Boolean Is the formId returned for sending template messages?
bindsubmit EventHandle Trigger submit event with form data, event.detail = {value: {'name': 'value'}, formId: ''}
bindreset EventHandle The form triggers a "reset" event when it is reset.
input Input box value String Initial input box content
type String "text" input type
password Boolean false Is it a password type?
placeholder String Placeholder when input box is empty
placeholder-style String Specify the placeholder style.
placeholder-class String "input-placeholder" Specify placeholder style class
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
maxlength Number 140 Maximum input length, set to -1 for no length limit.
cursor-spacing Number 0 Specify the distance from the cursor to the keyboard, in px. Use the minimum value between the distance from the input to the bottom and the cursor-spacing specified.
auto-focus Boolean false Auto-focus, pull up keyboard
focus Boolean false Gather focus
confirm-type String "done" Set text on the bottom-right button of the keyboard. 1.1.0
confirm-hold Boolean false Is the keyboard kept open when tapping the button at the bottom-right of the keyboard? 1.1.0
cursor Number Cursor position when specifying a focus 1.5.0
bindinput EventHandle When keyboard input occurs, an input event is triggered, event.detail = {value, cursor}. The handler can directly return a string to replace the input box content.
bindfocus EventHandle Input box focuses, event.detail = {value: value}
bindblur EventHandle Triggered when the input box loses focus, event.detail = {value: value}.
bindconfirm EventHandle Triggered when the complete button is clicked, event.detail = {value: value}.
checkbox Multiple-choice selector value String <checkbox/>标识,选中时触发<checkbox-group/>的 change 事件,并携带 <checkbox/> 的 value
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
checked Boolean false Currently selected, can be used to set default selection.
color Color checkbox color, same as CSS color
radio Single selection selector value String <radio/> 标识。当该<radio/> 选中时,<radio-group/> 的 change 事件会携带<radio/>的value
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
checked Boolean false Currently selected, can be used to set default selection.
color Color The color of the radio, the same as the CSS color.
(mode = selector)
Plain list selector range Array / Object Array [] When "mode" is "selector" or "multiSelector", "range" is valid.
range-key String When "range" is an Object Array, specify the value of the key in the Object as the selector to display content via "range-key".
value Number 0 The value of "value" indicates the selected index in the range (starting from 0).
bindchange EventHandle A 'change' event is triggered when the value changes, event.detail = {value: value}.
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
(mode = multiSelector)
(List) Selector range 2D array / 2D object array [] mode为 selector 或 multiSelector 时,range 有效。二维数组,长度表示多少列,数组的每项表示每列的数据,如[["a","b"], ["c","d"]]
range-key String When the range is a two-dimensional object array, specify the object's key value as the selector to display content via the range-key.
value Array 0 Value of each item indicates the index (starting from 0) selected in the corresponding range item.
bindchange EventHandle A 'change' event is triggered when the value changes, event.detail = {value: value}.
bindcolumnchange EventHandle A columnchange event is triggered when a value in a column changes, event.detail = {column: column, value: value}, where column indicates the column number (starting from 0) that has changed, and value indicates the index of the changed value.
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
(mode = time)
Time List Selector value String 表示选中的时间,格式为"hh:mm"
start String 表示有效时间范围的开始,字符串格式为"hh:mm"
end String 表示有效时间范围的结束,字符串格式为"hh:mm"
bindchange EventHandle A 'change' event is triggered when the value changes, event.detail = {value: value}.
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
(mode = date)
Date list selector value String 0 表示选中的日期,格式为"YYYY-MM-DD"
start String 表示有效日期范围的开始,字符串格式为"YYYY-MM-DD"
end String 表示有效日期范围的结束,字符串格式为"YYYY-MM-DD"
fields String day Effective value for year, month, day, indicating the granularity of the selector.
bindchange EventHandle A 'change' event is triggered when the value changes, event.detail = {value: value}.
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
(mode = region)
Date list selector value Array [] Indicate the selected province, city, and district. By default, the first value in each column is selected.
custom-item String Add a custom item to the top of each column 1.5.0
bindchange EventHandle A 'change' event is triggered when the value changes, event.detail = {value: value}.
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
picker-view Nested list selector value NumberArray Numbers in the array represent the selected item index (starting from 0) in the picker-view-column within the picker-view. If the number exceeds the length of picker-view-column options, the last item is selected.
indicator-style String Set the style of the middle selected box in the selector.
indicator-class String Set the class name of the middle selected box of the selector 1.1.0
mask-style String Set the overlay style 1.5.0
mask-class String Set the class name for the overlay 1.5.0
bindchange EventHandle When the picker-view is scrolled and the value changes, the change event is triggered, event.detail = {value: value}; value is an array indicating which item (index starting from 0) the picker-view-column within the picker-view is currently selected.
slider Scroll selector min Number 0 Minimum
max Number 100 Maximum
step Number 0 Step size must be greater than 0 and divisible by (max - min).
disabled Boolean false Is disabled
value Number 0 current value
color Color #e9e9e9 Background color (use backgroundColor)
selected-color Color #1aad19 Selected color (use activeColor)
activeColor Color #1aad19 Selected color
backgroundColor Color #e9e9e9 Background bar color
show-value Boolean false Is the current value displayed?
bindchange EventHandle Triggered event after a drag operation, event.detail = {value: value}
bindchanging EventHandle Events triggered during drag, event.detail = {value: value} 1.7.0
switch Switch selector checked Boolean false Whether selected
type String switch Style, valid value: switch, checkbox
bindchange EventHandle Triggered a 'change' event when 'checked' is modified, event.detail = {value: checked}
color Color Color of the switch, same as CSS color.
label Label for String Bind the control's ID


Component name Annotation Component properties
attribute name Type Default value Instruction Minimum version
navigator Application link url String In-app link jump
open-type String navigate jump method
delta Number Valid when `open-type` is 'navigateBack', indicating the number of layers to go back.
hover-class String navigator-hover 指定点击时的样式类,当hover-class="none"时,没有点击态效果
hover-stop-propagation Boolean false Specify whether to block ancestor nodes of this node from being in click state. 1.5.0
hover-start-time Number 50 How long after pressing does the click state appear, in milliseconds?
hover-stay-time Number 600 Click state retention time after finger release, unit: milliseconds
其中open-type 的有效值如下:
Value Instruction Minimum version
navigate The function corresponding to wx.navigateTo
redirect The functionality corresponding to wx.redirectTo
switchTab Corresponds to the function of wx.switchTab.
reLaunch Corresponds to wx.reLaunch functionality. 1.1.0
navigateBack Corresponds to the wx.navigateBack function. 1.1.0


Component name Annotation Component properties
attribute name Type Default value Instruction Minimum version
audio Audio id String Unique identifier for the audio component
src String Resource URL for audio playback
loop Boolean false Is it on a loop?
controls Boolean false Is the default control displayed?
poster String The default audio cover image resource address on the default control, setting poster is ineffective if the controls attribute value is false.
name String Unknown audio The default audio name on the control is invalid if the controls attribute is set to false.
author String Unknown author The default author name on the control, set author invalid if the controls property value is false.
binderror EventHandle An error event is triggered when an error occurs, detail = {errMsg: MediaError.code}
bindplay EventHandle Trigger play event on start/continue playback
bindpause EventHandle A "pause" event is triggered when playback is paused.
bindtimeupdate EventHandle The timeupdate event is triggered when the playback progress changes, detail = {currentTime, duration}.
bindended EventHandle 时 When the playback reaches the end, the "ended" event is triggered.
image Picture src String Image resource URL
mode String 'scaleToFill' Image cropping and scaling modes
lazy-load Boolean false Lazy loading of images. Only effective for images under page and scroll-view. 1.5.0
binderror HandleEvent When an error occurs, the event name published to AppService, event object event.detail = {errMsg: 'something wrong'}
bindload HandleEvent On image load complete, event name for publishing to AppService: event.detail = {height:'Image Height in px', width:'Image Width in px'}
video Video src String Resource address for playing video
initial-time Number Specify the initial playback position of the video. 1.6.0
duration Number Specify video duration 1.1.0
controls Boolean true Is the default playback control displayed (play/pause button, playback progress, time)?
danmu-list Object Array Barrage list
danmu-btn Boolean false Whether to display the bulletin button, valid only at initialization, cannot be changed dynamically.
enable-danmu Boolean false Whether to display bullet comments is only effective at initialization and cannot be changed dynamically.
autoplay Boolean false Is it autoplaying?
loop Boolean false Is it on a loop? 1.4.0
muted Boolean false Is it muted playback? 1.4.0
page-gesture Boolean false In non-fullscreen mode, is brightness and volume adjustment gesture enabled? 1.6.0
direction Number Set video orientation when full-screen, or it will be automatically judged based on aspect ratio if not specified. Valid values are 0 (normal vertical), 90 (screen counterclockwise 90°), -90 (screen clockwise 90°). 1.7.0
bindplay EventHandle Trigger play event on start/continue playback
bindpause EventHandle A "pause" event is triggered when playback is paused.
bindended EventHandle 时 When the playback reaches the end, the "ended" event is triggered.
bindtimeupdate EventHandle Triggered when playback progress changes, event.detail = {currentTime, duration}. Firing frequency: once every 250ms.
bindfullscreenchange EventHandle When the video enters and exits full-screen, event.detail = {fullScreen, direction}, with direction being either vertical or horizontal. 1.4.0
objectFit String contain When video size doesn't match container size, its display: contain, fill, cover.
poster String Video thumbnail image network resource address; if the controls attribute value is false, setting poster is invalid.


Component name Annotation Component properties
attribute name Type Default value Instruction Minimum version
map map longitude Number Central Meridian
latitude Number Central latitude
scale Number 16 Zoom level, range 5-18
markers Array Marker point
covers Array Will be removed, please use markers.
polyline Array Route
circles Array Round
controls Array Control
include-points Array Zoom in to include all given coordinate points
show-location Boolean Show current location with direction
bindmarkertap EventHandle Trigger when clicking on the marker point
bindcallouttap EventHandle Triggered when clicking the bubble corresponding to the marked point 1.2.0
bindcontroltap EventHandle Triggered when the control is clicked.
bindregionchange EventHandle Triggered when the field of view changes.
bindtap EventHandle Triggered when clicking on the map.
bindupdated EventHandle Triggered when map rendering is completed. 1.6.0


Component name Annotation Component properties
attribute name Type Default value Instruction Minimum version
canvas canvas src String Resource address for playing video
initial-time Number Specify the initial playback position of the video. 1.6.0
duration Number Specify video duration 1.1.0
controls Boolean true Is the default playback control displayed (play/pause button, playback progress, time)?
danmu-list Object Array Barrage list
danmu-btn Boolean false Whether to display the bulletin button, valid only at initialization, cannot be changed dynamically.
enable-danmu Boolean false Whether to display bullet comments is only effective at initialization and cannot be changed dynamically.
autoplay Boolean false Is it autoplaying?
loop Boolean false Is it on a loop? 1.4.0
muted Boolean false Is it muted playback? 1.4.0
page-gesture Boolean false In non-fullscreen mode, is brightness and volume adjustment gesture enabled? 1.6.0
direction Number Set video orientation when full-screen, or it will be automatically judged based on aspect ratio if not specified. Valid values are 0 (normal vertical), 90 (screen counterclockwise 90°), -90 (screen clockwise 90°). 1.7.0
show-progress Boolean true If not set, it will display when the width is greater than 240. 1.9.0
show-fullscreen-btn Boolean true Is the full-screen button displayed? 1.9.0
show-play-btn Boolean true Is the play button on the video control bar at the bottom displayed? 1.9.0
show-center-play-btn Boolean true Is the play button displayed in the middle of the video? 1.9.0
enable-progress-gesture Boolean true Is gesture control for progress enabled? 1.9.0
bindplay EventHandle Trigger play event on start/continue playback
bindpause EventHandle A "pause" event is triggered when playback is paused.
bindended EventHandle 时 When the playback reaches the end, the "ended" event is triggered.
bindtimeupdate EventHandle Triggered when playback progress changes, event.detail = {currentTime, duration}. Firing frequency: once every 250ms.
bindfullscreenchange EventHandle When the video enters and exits full-screen, event.detail = {fullScreen, direction}, with direction being either vertical or horizontal. 1.4.0
objectFit String contain When video size doesn't match container size, its display: contain, fill, cover.
poster String Video thumbnail image network resource address; if the controls attribute value is false, setting poster is invalid.

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