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buck up
美音: [bʌk ʌp] 英音: [bʌk ʌp]

buck up基本解释

振作起来; 赶快; 加把劲; 加快

buck up网络解释

1. 快点:35 Bottoms up! 干杯!见底! | 36 Buckup! 快点! | 37 Bye now! 拜拜啦!

2. 振作起来:brush up on sth 复习,重新学习 | buckup 振作起来 | bull dog 难以相处的人

3. buck up的翻译

3. 快点;振作些:buck and boost regulator 电压升降调节器 | buckup 快点;振作些 | buckup 快点振作些

4. 使振作:relentless 坚韧的,无情的,严酷的 | buckup 使振作 | buck for 谋求

buck up词典解释

1. 振作…的精神;使受到鼓舞
If you buck someone up or buck up their spirits, you say or do something to make them more cheerful.

e.g. Anything anybody said to him to try and buck him up wouldn't sink in...
e.g. The aim, it seemed, was to buckup their spirits in the face of the recession.

2. 振作;积极行动起来
If you tell someone to buck up or to buck up their ideas, you are telling them to start behaving in a more positive and efficient manner.

e.g. People are saying if we don't buckup we'll be in trouble...
e.g. Buck up your ideas or you'll get more of the same treatment.

buck up英英释义


1. gain courage

Synonym: take heart

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