(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
XSLTProcessor::transformToXml — Transform to XML
): string|null|falseTransforms the source node to a string applying the stylesheet given by the xsltprocessor::importStylesheet() method.
The result of the transformation as a string or false
on error.
示例 #1 Transforming to a string
// Load the XML source
$xml = new DOMDocument;
$xsl = new DOMDocument;
// Configure the transformer
$proc = new XSLTProcessor;
$proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rules
echo $proc->transformToXML($xml);
Hey! Welcome to Nicolas Eliaszewicz's sweet CD collection! <h1>Fight for your mind</h1><h2>by Ben Harper - 1995</h2><hr> <h1>Electric Ladyland</h1><h2>by Jimi Hendrix - 1997</h2><hr>