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美音: [rɪˈzɪstəns] 英音: [rɪˈzɪstəns]




名词电阻; 阻力; 抵抗; 抗力






1. I catch colds frequently because my resistance is low.

2. She made a stouter resistance than the thief had anticipated.


1. 电阻:R: 电阻(Resistance)C: 电容(Capacitance)前几篇曾经详细介绍电阻与电容的特性,因此接着要探讨有关coil与transformer元件的特性. 最近几年电子电路快速IC化,所以利用coil、transformer与IC匹配(match)的情况相对减少,即使如此依旧有许多电路,


2. 电阻值:电阻值(resistance) 是某物质在某特定形状下的导电能力. 相同电阻率但形状不一的物质,其电阻值未必相同.

3. resistance:r.; 阻力


1. 抵抗;抵制;反对
Resistance to something such as a change or a new idea is a refusal to accept it.


e.g. The US wants big cuts in European agricultural export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance.

2. 抵抗;抵御
Resistance to an attack consists of fighting back against the people who have attacked you.

e.g. The troops are encountering stiff resistance...
e.g. Police in riot gear cleared the noisy demonstrators, who offered no resistance.

3. 抵抗力;免疫力
The resistance of your body to germs or diseases is its power to remain unharmed or unaffected by them.

e.g. This disease is surprisingly difficult to catch as most people have a natural resistance to it.

4. (风或空气的)阻力
Wind or air resistance is a force which slows down a moving object or vehicle.


e.g. The design of the bicycle has managed to reduce the effects of wind resistance and drag.

5. 电阻;阻抗
In electrical engineering or physics, resistance is the ability of a substance or an electrical circuit to stop the flow of an electrical current through it.


e.g. ...materials that lose all their electrical resistance.

6. (被他国军队占领或被专制政府统治的国家中的)抵抗组织,地下组织
In a country which is occupied by the army of another country, or which has a very harsh and strict government, the resistance is an organized group of people who are involved in illegal activities against the people in power.

e.g. They managed to escape after being arrested by the resistance.

7. 阻力最小的路线;最容易的途径
If you take the line of least resistance in a situation, you do what is easiest, even though you think that it may not be the right thing to do. In American English, you usually talk about the path of least resistance .

e.g. They would rather take the line of least resistance than become involved in arguments.



1. the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with

e.g. he encountered a general feeling of resistance from many citizens
despite opposition from the newspapers he went ahead

Synonym: opposition

2. the military action of resisting the enemy's advance

e.g. the enemy offered little resistance

3. group action in opposition to those in power

4. an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current

Synonym: resistor

5. (psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awareness

6. the degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria)

7. a secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force

Synonym: underground

8. any mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motion

9. a material's opposition to the flow of electric current
measured in ohms

Synonym: electric resistanceelectrical resistanceimpedanceresistivityohmic resistance

10. the capacity of an organism to defend itself against harmful environmental agents

e.g. these trees are widely planted because of their resistance to salt and smog

11. (medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease

Synonym: immunity

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