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the Soviet Union
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the Soviet Union单语例句

1. The fundamental reason is that great changes had by then taken place in theSovietUnion and East Europe.

2. The SovietUnion has announced the catastrophic failure of its latest space mission, with the crash of Soyuz 1 and the death of the cosmonaut on board.

3. The CIS is an alliance of 12 former Soviet republics that was put together following the collapse of the former SovietUnion in 1991.

4. The Communist powers at the time even went so far as to classify baseball as a new " national " sport in theSovietUnion.

5. The emergence of the Truman Doctrine in 1947 symbolizes the start of the Cold War between the US and theSovietUnion.

6. Relations were restored in 1991 following the collapse of communism, a period that also saw mass migration of Jews from theSovietUnion to Israel.

7. After the collapse of theSovietUnion and the downfall of theSoviet Communist Party, many observers delighting in schadenfreude predicted that China would follow suit.

8. The US support to European integration was born mainly out of the need to counterbalance the erstwhile SovietUnion.

9. The former SovietUnion saw its last crested ibis in 1963, while the Korean Peninsula said goodbye to it in 1978.

10. The former SovietUnion also hunted humpbacks until 1973 in defiance of the ban, though it is disputed how many they killed.

the Soviet Union是什么意思

the Soviet Union双语例句

1. The new government built up close relations with theSovietUnion, which was especially keen to make use of the port of Berbera.

2. It just copies some remarks of Marxism and borrows experiences of theSovietUnion without any discrimination, which leads to many contradictions of the neo-democratic theory and the collapse of the theory itself finally.

3. In order to meet the large-scale economic development in the near future, from 1951 until 1965, China dispatch ed a great number of youth scholars and cadres to study and practice in theSovietUnion.


4. In the south-west of Stalingrad, the German army tanks have also been implemented in the fourth spot, but the strong resistance of theSovietUnion, were forced into defense for the time being, to Aug. 17, was also in the outer layer of defense to stop enceinte In the southern region.

5. To August 10, the Department of theSovietUnion back to the east coast of the Don, in the outer defense of Stalingrad enceinte, to stop the German advance.


6. The liberalization of the economy of the former SovietUnion has made Russian Diopside more available than even before.

7. It is impossible to determine whether theSovietUnion had any such plan in mind.

8. Today, we'll show them the might of SovietUnion!

9. the Soviet Union的反义词

9. Well, it hasn't stopped theSovietUnion...

10. He was very critical of the situation in theSovietUnion.

11. Russia is not theSovietUnion, but what is it?

12. And it was a lot like theSovietUnion.

13. The Communist Party of theSovietUnion is our best teacher and we must learn from it.

14. The SovietUnion's launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957 chilled the world and marked the beginning of the Space Age.
苏联的Sputnik 1的发射在1957年变冷世界并且标明航天时代初。

15. Despite the innocuous sounding name, the launch of planet Earth's first artificial moon, Sputnik 1, by theSovietUnion on October 4, 1957, changed the world and set in motion events which resulted in the creation of NASA and the race to the Moon.

16. the Soviet Union的解释

16. When he returned to theSovietUnion after the two as the two higher when the county seat Strand Primary School.

17. During the cold war between America and theSovietUnion, the two were closely matched in their struggle for supremacy in space.

18. As a result, many people in theSovietUnion are conceited and very arrogant

19. China's motivation at the moment stems from her millitary inferiority and her fear of theSovietUnion.

20. That also may explain the popularity of Georgian food within theSovietUnion, where it was the most exotic and tasty ethnic cuisine available.

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