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take off
美音: [teik ɔf] 英音: [tek ɔf]

take off基本解释

take off的近义词

起飞; 脱掉; (使)离开; 突然成功

take off的解释

take off反义词

take off

put on

take off的意思

take off同义词


take off相关例句


1. He took two weeks off in August.

2. take off是什么意思

2. He took off his raincoat and took out the key.

3. take off

3. The plane will takeoff soon.

take off情景对话


A:Thank you for coming to see me off.

B:Not at all.

take off的解释

A:If I have time, I’ll come again.

take off

B:You’re welcome at any time.

A:Thank you for your hospitality. I hope I didn’t cause you too much trouble during my stay.

B:You’re most welcome.

A:I’m afraid I have to go now. The plane will takeoff soon.

B:Call us as soon as you get home.

take off的翻译


take off网络解释

1. take off的反义词

1. 脱下,起飞:shut off 关掉;切断电源 | takeoff 脱下; 起飞 | turn off 关掉;切断;取消

2. take off的反义词

2. 脱下:make a birthday card 做一张生日贺卡 | takeoff脱下 | Sports Day运动日

take off词典解释

1. (飞机)起飞
When an aeroplane takes off, it leaves the ground and starts flying.

e.g. We eventually took off at 11 o'clock and arrived in Venice at 1.30.
我们终于在11点起飞,1:30 到达威尼斯。

2. (产品、活动、事业等)腾飞,突然成功
If something such as a product, an activity, or someone's career takes off, it suddenly becomes very successful.

e.g. They need to expand the number of farmers who are involved if the scheme's going to really takeoff...
e.g. In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career took off.
1944 年,他结识了伊迪思·比阿夫,从此他的事业开始腾飞。

3. (突然)离开,走开,走掉
If you take off or take yourself off, you go away, often suddenly and unexpectedly.

take off在线翻译

e.g. He took off at once and headed back to the motel...
e.g. He took himself off to Mexico.

4. 脱下,脱掉(衣物)
If you take a garment off, you remove it.

take off的解释

e.g. He wouldn't take his hat off...
e.g. She took off her spectacles.

5. 请假;休假;告假
If you take time off, you obtain permission not to go to work for a short period of time.

e.g. Mitchel's schedule had not permitted him to take time off...
e.g. She took two days off work.

6. 把…带走;(尤指强迫某人)使同去
If you take someone off, you make them go with you to a particular place, especially when they do not want to go there.

e.g. The police stopped her and took her off to a police station...
e.g. Martinez was taken off to jail.

7. (为逗乐)模仿,学(别人的言谈举止)
If you take someone off, you imitate them and the things that they do and say, in such a way that you make other people laugh.

e.g. Mike can takeoff his father to perfection.

8. 撤销,取消(服务或娱乐)
If something such as a service or entertainment is taken off, it is withdrawn so that people can no longer use it or watch it.

take off是什么意思

e.g. We would very much deplore it if a popular programme were taken off as a result of political pressure...
e.g. The network took it off the air in 1971.
1971 年,广播网停播了这个节目。

9. see also: takeoff

take off英英释义


1. remove clothes

e.g. take off your shirt--it's very hot in here

2. take away or remove

e.g. Take that weight off me!

3. make a subtraction

e.g. subtract this amount from my paycheck

Synonym: subtractdeduct

4. prove fatal

e.g. The disease took off

5. mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner

e.g. This song takes off from a famous aria

6. get started or set in motion, used figuratively

e.g. the project took a long time to get off the ground

Synonym: get off the ground

7. leave

e.g. The family took off for Florida

Synonym: departpartstartstart outset forthset offset out

8. depart from the ground

e.g. The plane took off two hours late

Synonym: lift off

9. take time off from work
stop working temporarily

Synonym: take time off

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