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come across
美音: [kʌm əˈkrɔs] 英音: [kʌm əˈkrɔs]

come across基本解释

come across的近义词

偶遇; 偶然发现; 使产生…印象

come across相关例句


1. A very good idea came across his mind.

2. We came across an old man lying in the road.

3. She came across to talk with me.

4. I came across an old friend yesterday.

5. When will you comeacross with the money?

come across网络解释

1. (偶然)遇见(或发现):come about 发生,产生 | comeacross 偶然遇见或发现 | come back 回来,想起来

2. 偶然遇见:come about 发生 | comeacross 偶然遇见 | come along with 随同

3. come across的解释

3. (越过...而)来到:come about 发生;(风等)改变方向 | comeacross (越过...而)来到 | come at 袭击;达到;得到


4. (无意中)碰到,找到,想到:come about 发生,(风等)改变方向 | comeacross (无意中)碰到,找到,想到 | come back 回到原来的(地方,话题等突然想起;重新流行;恢复,复原,复苏;复辟

come across词典解释

1. 偶然发现;偶然遇见
If you come across something or someone, you find them or meet them by chance.

e.g. I came across a group of children playing.
e.g. We like to identify and celebrate women's success whenever we comeacross it.

2. 使产生…印象;给人以…的印象
If someone or what they are saying comes across in a particular way, they make that impression on people who meet them or are listening to them.

e.g. When sober he can comeacross as an extremely pleasant and charming young man...
e.g. He came across very, very well.

come across英英释义


1. be received or understood

Synonym: resonate

2. communicate the intended meaning or impression

e.g. He came across very clearly

Synonym: come over

3. come together

e.g. I'll probably see you at the meeting
How nice to see you again!

Synonym: meetrun intoencounterrun acrosssee

4. be perceived in a certain way
make a certain impression

5. find unexpectedly

e.g. the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
she struck a goldmine
The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake

Synonym: fall uponstrikecome uponlight uponchance uponchance onhappen uponattaindiscover

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