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fall into
美音: [fɔ:l ˈɪntuː] 英音: [fɔl ˈɪntu]

fall into基本解释

分成; 堕入; 掉进,陷入; 陷于

fall into网络解释

1. 落入;陷于;河流注入:fall in with 偶尔遇到;同意,赞许 | fallinto 落入;陷于;河流注入 | fall off 下降,跌落,减少

2. 落入;陷入:adv. 在附近 | fallinto 落入;陷入 | remain v. 保持;剩余;残余

3. 陷入:271. fall down 倒下 | 272. fallinto 陷入 | 274. be famous for sth. 以...而闻名

4. 分成:fall in steps with 与. . . 齐步行进 | fallinto 分成 | fall short of 未达到;辜负

fall into词典解释

1. (与刚见面的人)开始(攀谈或讨论问题)
If you fall into conversation or a discussion with someone, usually someone you have just met, you start having a conversation or discussion with them.

e.g. Over breakfast at my motel, I fell into conversation with the owner of a hardware shop.

fall into英英释义

fall into


1. be included in or classified as

e.g. This falls under the rubric 'various'

Synonym: fall under

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