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hand out
美音: [hænd aut] 英音: [hænd aʊt]

hand out基本解释

拿出; 分发; 搀扶…出来; 维持

hand out

hand out网络解释

1. 分发:解析:根据上下文判断,老师不是在教室里上交(hand in)而是在分发(handout)试题,故应将in改为out. 解析:根据上下文,测试题不只一个题目,答案(answer)当然也不只一个,所以应使用复数.

2. hand out的翻译

2. 分发,散发:hand in 交上;递上 | handout 分发,散发 | hand over 交出,移交

3. hand out

3. 分发,散发,发给:hand on传下来,依次传递 | handout分发,散发,发给 | hand over交出,移交,让与

hand out词典解释

1. 分发;散发
If you hand things out to people, you give one or more to each person in a group.

e.g. One of my jobs was to handout the prizes...
e.g. Food is still being handed out.

2. 给予(忠告、许可等)
When people in authority hand out something such as advice or permission to do something, they give it.

e.g. I listened to a lot of people handing out a lot of advice...
e.g. Planning permission is handed out sparingly.

3. see also: handout

hand out英英释义

hand out


1. give to several people

e.g. The teacher handed out the exams

Synonym: distributegive outpass out

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