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upside down
美音: [ˈʌpˌsaɪd daun] 英音: [ˈʌpˌsaɪd daʊn]

upside down基本解释

upside down

副词颠倒,倒转; 混乱地; 冠履倒易

upside down的意思

upside down网络解释

1. 颠倒:1984年的夏天,他们在伦敦受到独立厂牌Creation唱片公司老板艾伦.麦吉(Alan McGee)的赏识,发行的首支单曲<>(UpsideDown)迅速登上英国独立榜榜首,销量35000张.

2. upside down

2. 倒转:HOW TO:想做到名模Maggie Rizer那头不修边幅的发型,于湿发时,将头倒转(upsidedown)并喷上volumizing spray于发根位置,再从发根至发尾用风筒高速吹干.

3. 翻天覆地:罗斯后来又主演过电影<>,发行过的音乐作品包括:1979年的专辑<>;1980年的白金唱片<>,其中单曲<Upside Down)>>成为金曲榜冠军;1980年主唱的同名电影主题歌<>.

4. upside down的意思

4. 倒:因为汉语的'倒(upsidedown)'与'到(arrive)'是同音字(homophones). 金元宝(yuanbao ingots)象征财富. 除了春联,...

upside down词典解释

1. 倒置地;颠倒过来
If something has been moved upside down, it has been turned round so that the part that is usually lowest is above the part that is usually highest.

e.g. The painting was hung upsidedown...
e.g. Salter held the bag by the corners and shook it upsidedown.

2. to turn something upsidedown -> see turn

upside down英英释义


1. in an inverted manner

e.g. the box was lying on the floor upsidedown

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