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attach to
美音: [əˈtætʃ tu:] 英音: [əˈtætʃ tu]

attach to基本解释

attach to的反义词


attach to

attach to相关例句


1. All blame must attachto myself.

attach to网络解释

1. 连接到:利用 Task Center 可以自动化一般数据库任务的执行和实现一些条件逻辑. 如果您收到这样一条错误消息,它指出您需要连接到(attachto)一个实例,那么选择要针对的实例,在其上点击右键并选择 'Attach',如图 20 所示:

2. attach to在线翻译

2. 使依恋:2.Thornfield 桑费尔德,主人公罗切斯特居住的庄园 | 3.attachto 使依恋 | 4.part vi. 分开;分离

3. attach to

3. 附属于,隶属于:ask for请求,要求 | attachto附属于,隶属于 | begin with从开始


4. 附属于:be taken up with 占去(时间),开始从事,计论 | attach ... to 附属于 | attach importance to 认为...很重要

attach to英英释义


1. be part of

e.g. This problem inheres in the design

Synonym: inhere in

2. be present or associated with an event or entity

e.g. French fries come with the hamburger
heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue
fish usually goes with white wine
this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries

Synonym: accompanycome withgo with

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