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Marco Polo
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Marco Polo单语例句

1. When she toured with composer Tan Dun's opera MarcoPolo in 1996 and 1997, she decided to continue her dance career back in her homeland.

2. Italian adventurer MarcoPolo described the mastiff as being as " tall as a donkey with a voice as powerful as that of a lion ".

3. The eminent curator also points out that although he is famous in Venice now, no one made a fuss of anyone called MarcoPolo at the time.

4. One dagger was found at the scene near the MarcoPolo Hotel on Jianye Road.

5. One dagger had been found on the scene, near the MarcoPolo Hotel on Jianye Road.

6. The dance drama tells it from the Chinese perspective through the eyes of a modern young man obsessed with MarcoPolo's story.

7. It will begin at the " MarcoPolo Bridge ", pass the Beijing South Railway Station and end in the northeast.

8. Marco Polo sends off his lover to the country far away and finally leaves China.

9. After touring China's major cities, the multimedia musical drama MarcoPolo the Imaginary Journey will debut in Guangzhou next week.

10. After touring China's major cities, the multimedia musical drama MarcoPolo the Imaginary Journey will debut in Guangzhou.

Marco Polo是什么意思

Marco Polo双语例句

1. This site is known as Cambuluc in MarcoPolo's accounts.

2. Marco Polo什么意思

2. MarcoPolo`s descriptions show that the highways, postal system, and medicine of China were more advanced than of Europe in the thirteenth century.

3. When the intrepid Venetian traveller MarcoPolo first recorded his adventure something was missing - for the heart of his story lay burled deep within the soul of the man himself.

4. He was credited for bringing Chinese orchestral music to a whole new level with innovative productions such as MarcoPolo and Princess Blue, The Grandeur of Tang, Thunderstorm and Admiral of the Seven Seas etc.

5. Marco Polo

5. Marco Polo visited the famous Golconda mines in India.

6. We've been playing that little game of MarcoPolo.

7. Marco Polo的解释

7. As a young boy I read MarcoPolo, and just as he was amazed at what he found

8. The travels of MarcoPolo is one of the most interesting books thatI have ever read.

9. Marco Polo的解释

9. I can totally understand why MarcoPolo once said that Hangzhou is one of the most splendid places on earth.


10. I am like a 21st Century MarcoPolo.

11. In my opinion, Columbus was nothing but an acrobatic clown with his nose brightly painted. Believing in the theory that the earth is round and fascinated by MarcoPolo's book of travels, he attempted to sail west to reach the Orient.

12. The company has strong distribution and delivery network, the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival is also Deputy Shanghai¨, Haagen Dazs, Kristen can be Songde Square, Shannon Knightley, Ganso, MarcoPolo, Starbucks, Xinya, such as major Gongdelin brand sales of moon cakes and moon cakes coupons.

13. Marco Polo的解释

13. One suggestion I would make, is that I spotted at least one other MarcoPolo hotel in the City Harbour shopping complex, so I would suggest you compare prices and rooms/standards before making a booking.

14. In 1271, MarcoPolo left Italy and set out for China.

15. Marco Polo wrote his memoir of China in his book, The Travels of MarcoPolo, which became the first book that introduced China to the Western world.

16. It should be Lugouqiao Bridge in Chinese Pinyi, why is it named after MarcoPolo?
明明是卢沟桥,却以Marco Polo的名字命名?

17. Cathay was actually the name given to northern China in the 14th century by MarcoPolo.

18. Marco Polo

18. Jixing in the text of the MarcoPolo Bridge Incident in what has been done?

19. Marco Polo的反义词

19. Also at the MarcoPolo Bridge Incident on this day, the UN General Assembly this southwest China's best ever by the University started its legendary.

20. The artist`s skill lies in this ornamental style, in his spasmodic attention to detail and in the miniaturist perfection he applies to everything, reviving those scents and flavours of the orient that have always fascinated the western world ever since the days of MarcoPolo, the flowers of he Enlightenment to the present day.

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