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美音: [kəˈmens] 英音: [kəˈmɛns]



及物/不及物动词开始; 着手; 获得学位



1. commence的反义词

1. She commenced to cry.

2. We commence building on March 18th.

3. He commenced studying law in 1988.


1. The second term commences in March.

2. The bull-fight was to commence in twenty minutes.


1. 开始,着手:combination 组合 | commence 开始,着手 | commence 开始

2. 开始;着手;得学位:commemorate庆祝;纪念 | commence开始;着手;得学位 | commerce商业;贸易;(情感)交流


3. 开始 开门就死:addict--一再的 | commence 开始 开门就死 | commend 赞扬 帮你缝好了,你当然要赞扬他啦


1. 开始
When something commences or you commence it, it begins.

e.g. The academic year commences at the beginning of October...
e.g. They commenced a systematic search...

Commence, start, and begin all have a similar meaning, although commence is more formal and is not normally used in conversation. The meeting is ready to begin... He tore the list up and started a fresh one. ...an alternative to commencing the process of European integration. Note that begin, start, and commence can all be followed by an -ing form or a noun, but only begin and start can be followed by a 'to' infinitive.
commence, start 和 begin 三个词意思相近,不过 commence 一词更为正式,通常不用于对话中。例如,The meeting is ready to begin (会议可以开始了),He tore the list up and started a fresh one (他把清单撕碎,然后另列一张),an alternative to commencing the process of European integration (启动欧洲一体化进程的另一种方式)。注意 begin, start 和 commence 都能后接动词的 -ing 形式或名词,但只有 begin 和 start 才能后接不定式。



1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

e.g. We began working at dawn
Who will start?
Get working as soon as the sun rises!
The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia
He began early in the day
Let's get down to work now

Synonym: get downbegingetstart outstartset aboutset out

2. set in motion, cause to start

e.g. The U.S. started a war in the Middle East
The Iraqis began hostilities
begin a new chapter in your life

Synonym: beginlead offstart

3. get off the ground

e.g. Who started this company?
We embarked on an exciting enterprise
I start my day with a good breakfast
We began the new semester
The afternoon session begins at 4 PM
The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack

Synonym: startstart upembark on

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