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start out
美音: [stɑ:t aut] 英音: [stɑrt aʊt]

start out基本解释

启程,出发; 开始[着手]做

start out相关例句


1. start out的近义词

1. They started out this morning.

2. start out什么意思

2. He started out to write a novel.

start out网络解释

1. 开始时打算,本来想要;动身:go ahead先请;请开始吧;继续 | go off爆炸; (闹钟、雷)开始响起来 | startout开始时打算,本来想要;动身

2. 出发:start on 开始 | startout 出发 | start page number at 起始页号

3. start out的解释

3. 开始时打算;本来想要:standards of admission入学标准 | startout 开始时打算;本来想要 | stem from 源于

4. 出发,动身:150. set out出发,开始,装饰,陈列,测定,宣布,移植,陈述 | 151. startout出发,动身 | 152. set up设立,创立

start out词典解释

1. 起初是…
If someone or something starts out as a particular thing, they are that thing at the beginning although they change later.

start out的解释

e.g. Daly was a fast-talking Irish-American who had started out as a salesman...
e.g. What started out as fun quickly became hard work.

2. 从…开始;从…着手
If you start out by doing something, you do it at the beginning of an activity.

start out什么意思

e.g. We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector...
e.g. The child'll startout by making relatively few distinctions in the language.

start out英英释义


1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action

e.g. We began working at dawn
Who will start?
Get working as soon as the sun rises!
The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia
He began early in the day
Let's get down to work now

Synonym: get downbegingetstartset aboutset outcommence

2. leave

e.g. The family took off for Florida

Synonym: departpartstartset forthset offset outtake off

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