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all the same
美音: [ɔ:l ðə seim] 英音: [ɔl ði sem]

all the same基本解释

all the same的反义词

尽管如此, 仍然

all the same相关例句


1. all the same的反义词

1. He's a bit naughty, but I like him allthesame.

all the same网络解释

1. all the same的意思

1. 仍然,照样的:allthe time 一直,始终 | allthesame 仍然,照样的 | as regards 关于

2. 仍然,照样地:all round (在...)周围,处处 | allthesame 仍然,照样地 | allthe time 一直,始终

3. 虽然如此;并无分别:allthe better 更好 | allthesame 虽然如此;并无分别 | allthe world and his wife 人人;诸色人等


4. 尽管如此,仍旧:allthe more 更加越发 | allthesame 尽管如此,仍旧 | allow for 酌量;考虑到

all the same英英释义


1. despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)

e.g. although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it
while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed
he was a stern yet fair master
granted that it is dangerous, allthesame I still want to go

Synonym: howeverneverthelesswithalstillyeteven sononethelessnotwithstanding

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