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ahead of time
美音: [əˈhed ɔv taim] 英音: [əˈhɛd ʌv taɪm]

ahead of time基本解释


ahead of time的近义词

ahead of time相关例句


1. They finished the work aheadoftime.

ahead of time网络解释

1. 提前:⑷ against time 赶时间,争分夺秒 | ⑸ aheadoftime 提前 | ⑹ all the time 一直,始终

2. 提前,在原定时间以前:aheadof schedule 提前 | aheadoftime 提前,在原定时间以前 | aheadof 在...前面,先于;胜过

3. 提早:agree with 同意 | aheadoftime 提早 | aim at 瞄准,针对

4. ahead of time

4. 比......提前,比......;更早:1. aheadof (表示空间)在......前面;(表示时间)先,预先, | 2. aheadoftime 比......提前,比......;更早 | 3. aim at 向......瞄准

ahead of time英英释义


1. before the usual time or the time expected

e.g. she graduated early
the house was completed aheadoftime

Synonym: earlytoo soon

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