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answer to
美音: [ˈɑ:nsə tu:] 英音: [ˈænsɚ tu]

answer to基本解释

answer to在线翻译

适应, 符合;有责任作出解释[承担责任];应答;有反应;

answer to相关例句


1. answer to的解释

1. I'll answerto your mother for your safety.

2. Does the result answerto their expectations?

answer to网络解释

1. 的答案:short of缺少 | answerto ...的答案 | anxiety for sth渴望

2. 回答:and so on 等等 | answerto 回答 | an appetite for 对...的爱好

3. answer to

3. 适应:answerto the name of 名叫 | answerto 适应 | answer up 应对迅速

4. 符合,适合:allow for 考虑到 | answerto 符合,适合 | approve of 赞成

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