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beside the point
美音: [biˈsaid ðə pɔint] 英音: [bɪˈsaɪd ði pɔɪnt]

beside the point基本解释


beside the point网络解释

1. 离题,不中肯:play with 以...为消遣;玩弄 . | besidethepoint 离题,不中肯 . | come to thepoint 说到要点;扼要地说 .

2. beside the point是什么意思

2. 离题:out of the question绝不可能 | besidethepoint离题 | refresh one's memory使人记起

3. 离题,不中肯,不相干的:48、before long 不久(以后) | 49、besidethepoint 离题,不中肯,不相干的 | 50、beyond question 毫无疑问,确定无疑

4. 偏离话题:beside oneself with 因为 . . . 而精神失常;得意忘形 | besidethepoint 偏离话题 | The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merry-man. 最好的医生是:节食、静养、愉快

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