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be tired of
美音: [bi: ˈtaiəd ɔv] 英音: [bi taɪrd ʌv]

be tired of基本解释

be tired of

动词厌烦; 腻; 倦

be tired of网络解释

1. 厌烦,对...厌倦:betired from 因...而厌倦 | betiredof 厌烦,对...厌倦 | betired out 疲倦极了

2. 厌倦:7.at the end of the street在街道的尽头 | 8.betiredof 厌倦 | 9.be amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇

3. be tired of在线翻译

3. 厌烦:be fond of 爱好,喜欢 | betiredof 厌烦 | die of 死于

4. 对......厌倦:151. betired from 因......疲倦 | 152. betiredof 对......厌倦 | 153. be to 将要做

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