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be loyal to
美音: [bi: ˈlɔiəl tu:] 英音: [bi ˈlɔɪəl tu]

be loyal to基本解释

忠于…; 尽忠

be loyal to网络解释

1. 忠于:at lowest 至少,最低 . | beloyalto 忠于 . | in the main 基本上,大体上 .

2. 对......忠诚:be open to 对......开放 | beloyalto 对......忠诚 | be helpful to对......有益处

3. 对......忠诚,忠实于:be hard pressed to do sth. 做......很困难(lesson11) | beloyalto 对......忠诚,忠实于......(lesson11) | be no match for 不是......的对手(lesson7)

4. 对----忠诚的:be liable for 有责任 | beloyalto 对----忠诚的 | be married to 和某人结婚

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