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bring around
美音: [briŋ əˈraund] 英音: [brɪŋ əˈraʊnd]

bring around基本解释

使复苏; 使恢复知觉; 顺便把某人带回来做客; 把(某人或某物)带到约好的地点

bring around

bring around网络解释

1. 使改变观点或看法;使苏醒;顺便把某人带来串门:bring about 引起;实现;导致 | bringaround 使改变观点或看法;使苏醒;顺便把某人带来串门 | bring back 送还;使想起;使恢复

2. 使信服:bring an accusation against 起诉 | bringaround 使信服 | bring back 拿回来

3. 使......转而同意(某中看法等):bring about导致,实现 | bring ...around使......转而同意(某中看法等) | bring back归还;带回;使回想起;使恢复,使苏醒

4. 改变主意:bring about 带来,引起 | bringaround 改变主意 | bring back 归还,带回

bring around词典解释

in BRIT, also use 英国英语用 bring round

1. 使恢复知觉
If you bring someone around when they are unconscious, you make them become conscious again.

e.g. I'd passed out and he'd brought me round.

2. 改变…的观点;说服(某人)
If you bring someone around, you cause them to change their opinion about something so that they agree with you.

bring around的翻译

e.g. We will do everything we can to bring parliament round to our point of view.

bring around英英释义


1. return to consciousness

e.g. These pictures bring back sad memories

Synonym: bring tobring backbring round

2. provide a cure for, make healthy again

e.g. The treatment cured the boy's acne
The quack pretended to heal patients but never managed to

Synonym: cureheal

3. cause to adopt an opinion or course of action

e.g. His urgent letter finally brought me around to give money to the school

Synonym: bring round

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