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break through
美音: [breik θru:] 英音: [brek θru]

break through基本解释

动词攻破; 突围,突破; 猛涨

break through网络解释

1. 穿透:但其吸附容量并不高,且穿透(Breakthrough)速率快,必须配合自动化之再生设备. (一)吸附剂性质:比表面积、孔隙率大小、粒径大小、硬度、表面所需要官能基及极性等,如在原(virgin)活性碳表面是呈非极性,而其对非极性有机物具有极高的亲和力,

2. 突破,冲垮;突围:break the ice 打破沉默 | breakthrough 突破,冲垮;突围 | break up 打碎;(关系)破裂

3. break through在线翻译

3. 突破,冲破;取得突破陛成就:break out 逃脱,逃走;突然出现,爆发 | breakthrough 突破,冲破;取得突破陛成就 | break up 印终止,结束;打碎,粉碎;散开,驱散

break through词典解释

1. 冲破;突破
If you break through a barrier, you succeed in forcing your way through it.

e.g. Protesters tried to breakthrough a police cordon...
e.g. About fifteen inmates broke through onto the roof.

2. (克服困难或障碍)取得突破
If you break through, you achieve success even though there are difficulties and obstacles.

break through

e.g. There is still scope for new writers to breakthrough...
e.g. I broke through the poverty barrier and it was education that did it.

3. 显现;显露
When something that was previously hidden or could not be seen breaks through, it appears.

e.g. Despite everything, Elizabeth's human side keeps breaking through...
e.g. Sunlight had broken through the clouds.

4. see also: breakthrough

break through英英释义


1. penetrate

e.g. The sun broke through the clouds
The rescue team broke through the wall in the mine shaft

Synonym: come through

2. pass through (a barrier)

e.g. Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county

Synonym: crack

3. break out

e.g. The tooth erupted and had to be extracted

Synonym: eruptcome outpush through

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