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break away
美音: [breik əˈwei] 英音: [brek əˈwe]

break away基本解释

break away的意思

突然离开; 突然挣脱; 与…决裂; 从…退出

break away的近义词

break away网络解释

1. 突然离开;逃跑,脱身:both...and... 既...又...,不但...而且 | breakaway 突然离开;逃跑,脱身 | break down 打破;发生故障;中止

2. 脱离,逃跑:107 beyond question 毋庸置疑 | 108 breakaway 脱离,逃跑 | 109 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解

3. break away的反义词

3. 侧滑:Brazing 钎焊,铜焊 | Breakaway 侧滑 | Break bulk cargo carrier 厢式零担运输车

4. 摆脱,逃跑:back up支持;堵塞;后退 | breakaway摆脱,逃跑 | break down(机器)出故障;中断;分解

break away词典解释

1. 挣脱;逃脱
If you break away from someone who is trying to hold you or catch you, you free yourself and run away.

e.g. I broke away from him and rushed out into the hall...
e.g. Willie Hamilton broke away early in the race.

2. 摆脱(束缚或控制)
If you break away from something or someone that restricts you or controls you, you succeed in freeing yourself from them.

e.g. Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as 'primitive' or 'exotic'...
e.g. The group broke away from the Labour Party in 1932.

break away英英释义


1. break off (a piece from a whole)

e.g. Her tooth chipped

Synonym: chipchip offcome offbreak off

2. move away or escape suddenly

e.g. The horses broke from the stable
Three inmates broke jail
Nobody can break out--this prison is high security

Synonym: breakbreak out

3. flee
take to one's heels
cut and run

e.g. If you see this man, run!
The burglars escaped before the police showed up

Synonym: scatrunscarperturn taillamrun awayhightail itbunkhead for the hillstake to the woodsescapefly the coop

4. withdraw from an organization or communion

e.g. After the break up of the Soviet Union, many republics broke away

Synonym: secedesplinter

5. interrupt a continued activity

e.g. She had broken with the traditional patterns

Synonym: break

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