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cut out
美音: [kʌt aut] 英音: [kʌt aʊt]

cut out基本解释

裁剪; 停止; 剪下; 取代

cut out相关例句



1. These are the tasks cutout for this week.

2. Cut out all the vulgar expressions.

3. Cut out the engine, will you?

cut out网络解释

1. cut out的反义词

1. 切除:本文主要介绍使用该软件组件设计模块中的高级工具--切除(CutOut) 功能设计检具的方法. 该方法与使用按零件创建过程反减切材料的方法相比,要更快捷和高效. 它的基本原理是首先设计零件模型;其次,设计检具坯料;再之,


2. (剪切):在<>(CutOut)里弹和弦时你用的是什么吉他?A:我想想......,应该是50年产的Martin,我叫不上它的型号. 那是把桃花心木制的,琴身不太大. 我用它录了很多歌,它在棚里的声音没得挑. 我一般会在左声道用箱琴,在右声道用电琴.

3. 删除:cut off 切断,使隔绝;前去,删去;打断,停止 | cutout 删除 | cut short 突然停止

cut out词典解释

1. 具有所需素质及才能的;是做…材料的
If you are not cut out for a particular type of work, you do not have the qualities that are needed to be able to do it well.

e.g. I left medicine anyway. I wasn't really cutout for it...
e.g. He doesn't feel he is cutout to be a leader.

cut out英英释义

cut out的翻译


1. cease operating

e.g. The pump suddenly cutout

2. delete or remove

e.g. Cut out the extra text
cut out the newspaper article

3. intercept (a player)

Synonym: cut down

4. cut off and stop

e.g. The bicyclist was cutout by the van

Synonym: cut off

5. strike or cancel by or as if by rubbing or crossing out

e.g. scratch out my name on that list

Synonym: scratch out

6. form and create by cutting out

e.g. Picasso cutout a guitar from a piece of paper


1. having been cut out

e.g. the cut-out pieces of the dress

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