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cut in
美音: [kʌt in] 英音: [kʌt ɪn]

cut in基本解释

插嘴; 干预; 突然插到…前面; 允许加入

cut in相关例句


1. Don't try to cutin while others are talking.


2. Drivers who habitually cutin are bound to cause accidents sooner or later.

cut in词典解释

1. 打断(谈话);插嘴
If you cut in on someone, you interrupt them when they are speaking.

e.g. Immediately, Daniel cutin on Joanne's attempts at reassurance...
e.g. 'Not true,' the Duchess cutin.

cut in英英释义

cut in


1. mix in with cutting motions

2. interrupt a dancing couple in order to take one of them as one's own partner

e.g. Jim always cuts in!

3. break into a conversation

e.g. her husband always chimes in, even when he is not involved in the conversation

Synonym: chime input inbutt inchisel inbarge inbreak in

4. drive in front of another vehicle leaving too little space for that vehicle to maneuver comfortably

5. allow someone to have a share or profit

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