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come round
美音: [kʌm raund] 英音: [kʌm raʊnd]

come round基本解释

come round

苏醒; 周而复始; 造访; 开始接受

come round

come round相关例句



1. He came round last week and we chatted for a while.

2. come round的解释

2. Christmas will soon comeround.

3. The wounded soldier soon came round.

come round网络解释

1. (非正式的)来访;绕道:come out 出版;传出;显现 | comeround (非正式的)来访;绕道 | come through 经历(困难获得成功

2. 顺便过来:26.come out 出版,发表 | 27.comeround 顺便过来 | 28.come though 经历

3. come round在线翻译

3. 绕道而来:come over sb (感觉等)支配 | comeround 绕道而来 | come up (种子)出土,被提出

4. 过访, 绕道而来, 苏醒, 转变, 改主意, 笼络:The child has got measles. The spots have come out.这个小孩患了麻疹,疹子已出现了... | comeround过访, 绕道而来, 苏醒, 转变, 改主意, 笼络 | She finally came around to our viewpoint.她终于同意了我们的观点...

come round词典解释

1. -> see come around

come round英英释义

come round


1. change one's position or opinion

e.g. He came around to our point of view

Synonym: come around

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