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carry off
美音: [ˈkæri ɔf] 英音: [ˈkæri ɔf]

carry off基本解释

carry off在线翻译

抢走; 完成; 成功地对付; 赢得

carry off相关例句


1. Cholera carried him off that year.

2. carry off的翻译

2. John carried off all the prizes in the contest.

carry off网络解释

1. 拿走,夺去...的生命:carry into effect 实行,实现,实施 | carryoff 拿走,夺去...的生命 | carry on 继续开展,坚持下去

2. carry off的近义词

2. 夺走:carry away 冲掉;冲走 | carryoff 夺走 | carry on 进行

3. 夺走,拿走:care for 照顾,照料;喜欢 | carryoff 夺走,拿走 | carry on 继续,进行

carry off词典解释

1. 成功完成
If you carry something off, you do it successfully.

e.g. He's got the experience and the authority to carry it off.

2. 赢得,获得(奖项、奖杯)
If you carry off a prize or a trophy, you win it.

e.g. It carried off the Evening Standard drama award for best play.

carry off英英释义


1. kill in large numbers

e.g. the plague wiped out an entire population

Synonym: eliminateannihilateextinguisheradicatewipe outdecimate

2. remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
transport into a new location or state

e.g. Their dreams carried the Romantics away into distant lands
The car carried us off to the meeting
I'll take you away on a holiday
I got carried away when I saw the dead man and I started to cry

Synonym: take awaybear offbear awaycarry away

3. be successful
achieve a goal

e.g. She succeeded in persuading us all
I managed to carry the box upstairs
She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
The pianist negociated the difficult runs

Synonym: pull offnegociatebring offmanage

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