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cover up
美音: [ˈkʌvə ʌp] 英音: [ˈkʌvɚ ʌp]

cover up基本解释

掩盖; 掩饰; 盖起来; 裹住

cover up相关例句


1. cover up

1. How can you coverup your mistake?

cover up网络解释

1. 掩饰,掩盖:count up / / 把...相加 | coverup / / 掩饰,掩盖 | Credit card / / 信用卡

2. 掩盖,掩饰:cover over 遮没 | coverup 掩盖,掩饰 | credit with 把...记入贷方

cover up词典解释

1. (用…)盖在…上(以保护或隐藏)
If you cover something or someone up, you put something over them in order to protect or hide them.

e.g. He fell asleep in the front room so I covered him up with a duvet.

2. 隐藏,遮掩(事实)
If you cover up something that you do not want people to know about, you hide the truth about it.

e.g. He suspects there's a conspiracy to coverup the crime...
e.g. They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up...

cover up英英释义


1. hide from view or knowledge

e.g. The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House

Synonym: cover

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