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collide with
美音: [kəˈlaid wið] 英音: [kəˈlaɪd wɪð]

collide with基本解释

collide with

与…相撞; 相碰; 磕碰

collide with网络解释

1. collide with的反义词

1. 抵触:cling to粘住;依附;坚持 | collidewith抵触 | compensate for补偿,赔偿

2. collide with

2. 冲突:collet 宝石座 | collidewith 冲突 | collide 碰撞

3. 碰撞:12. plunge onto the shore 跳上岸;(海浪等)拍上岸 | 13. collidewith 碰撞 | 14. the essential information 中心思想

4. collide with

4. 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞:cling o粘住; 依附;坚持 | collidewith 抵触,冲突;碰撞,互撞 | compensate for 补偿,赔偿

collide with英英释义


1. hit against
come into sudden contact with

e.g. The car hit a tree
He struck the table with his elbow

Synonym: hitstrikeimpinge onrun into

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