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dispose of
美音: [disˈpəuz ɔv] 英音: [dɪˈspoz ʌv]

dispose of基本解释

解决; 将(某物)处理掉; 驳倒; 将(某物)吃光喝完

dispose of的翻译

dispose of相关例句



1. He has disposed of the rubbish properly.

dispose of网络解释

1. 除掉;干掉;卖掉:disguise...as 把...假扮成;使...假装 | disposeof 除掉;干掉;卖掉 | do a good job 好好干;干得好

2. 处理:dispose for 使倾向于 | disposeof 处理 | disposition n.气质

dispose of词典解释

1. 丢掉;清除;处理
If you dispose of something that you no longer want or need, you throw it away.

dispose of的解释

e.g. Just fold up the nappy and disposeof it in the normal manner.
e.g. ...the safest means of disposing of nuclear waste...

2. 办妥;处理好;解决
If you dispose of a problem, task, or question, you deal with it.

e.g. You did us a great favour by disposing of that problem...
e.g. The justices have been arguing about how the case should be disposed of.

3. 除掉;杀掉
To dispose of a person or an animal means to kill them.

e.g. He alleged that they had hired an assassin to disposeof him.

dispose of英英释义


1. deal with or settle

e.g. He disposed of these cases quickly

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