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fall out
美音: [fɔ:l aut] 英音: [fɔl aʊt]

fall out基本解释

fall out的反义词

争吵; 结果; 解散; 掉队

fall out相关例句


1. He has fallen out with Jack.

2. It fell out that we were in the town on that very day.

fall out网络解释

1. 争吵:1977年,他们录制了第1首单曲<>(Fallout). 1978年,推出了单曲<>(Roxanne),这首歌首次展现了他们创新性的雷吉节奏的奇特摇滚. 主唱兼词曲作者的斯汀是police乐队的灵魂(因为他在演出时喜欢穿黄色横条衫,形象颇似蜜蜂,

2. 争吵;结果是:fall back on 求助于,转而依靠 | fallout 争吵,结果是 | fall through 落空,失败

3. fall out的反义词

3. 争吵;闹翻;结果:fallout of 放弃(习惯等) | fallout 争吵;闹翻;结果 | fall through 失败,成为泡影

4. 脱落;争吵,闹翻:fall in love爱上某人 | fallout脱落;争吵,闹翻 | far from远离,远非

fall out英英释义

fall out的翻译


1. come to pass

e.g. What is happening?
The meeting took place off without an incidence
Nothing occurred that seemed important

Synonym: happenhapgo onpass offoccurpasscome abouttake place

2. have a breach in relations

e.g. We fell out over a trivial question

3. leave (a barracks) in order to take a place in a military formation, or leave a military formation

e.g. the soldiers fell out

4. come off

e.g. His hair and teeth fell out

Synonym: come out

5. come as a logical consequence
follow logically

e.g. It follows that your assertion is false
the theorem falls out nicely

Synonym: follow

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