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fall behind
美音: [fɔ:l biˈhaind] 英音: [fɔl bɪˈhaɪnd]

fall behind基本解释

fall behind

落后; 下降; 退后; 逾期(付款等)

fall behind的解释

fall behind相关例句


1. Don't fallbehind with your rent.

fall behind网络解释

1. 落在...后面,跟不上:fall back 后退,退却 | fallbehind 落在...后面,跟不上 | fall for 爱上,迷恋;受骗

2. fall behind什么意思

2. 落后,落在...的后面:dry up (使)干透,(使)干涸;(使)枯竭 | fallbehind 落后,落在...的后面[/Post] | fall through 落空,成为泡影

3. 落后,掉队:未能... fail to do sth. | 落后,掉队 fallbehind | 对...而熟悉 be familiar with sth.

fall behind英英释义


1. retreat

Synonym: fall backlosedrop offrecede

2. hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.

Synonym: lagdawdlefall back

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