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go along with
美音: [ɡəu əˈlɔŋ wið] 英音: [ɡo əˈlɔŋ wɪð]

go along with基本解释


go along with网络解释

1. 陪同前往,随行:go ahead开始,前进;领先 | goalongwith陪同前往,随行 | go back on违背

2. 赞同;附合,支持:go all out 全力以赶;鼓足干劲 | goalongwith 赞同;附合,支持 | go around (消息)流传;足够分配


3. 赞同:give way to 给...让路,对...让步,被...代替 | goalongwith 赞同 | go back on 违背(诺言等)

4. go along with是什么意思

4. 赞成;支持;随行:go ahead继续下去;开始 | goalongwith赞成;支持;随行 | go back on违背诺言

go along with词典解释

1. 服从;遵守
If you go along with a rule, decision, or policy, you accept it and obey it.

go along with的意思

e.g. Whatever the majority decided I was prepared to goalongwith.

2. 赞同;支持
If you go along with a person or an idea, you agree with them.

e.g. 'I don't think a government has properly done it for about the past twenty-five years.' — 'I'd goalongwith that.'

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