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get away
美音: [ɡet əˈwei] 英音: [ɡɛt əˈwe]

get away基本解释

离开,脱身; 逃掉; 抽身; 拔身

get away的意思

get away相关例句


1. Two of the prisoners got away.

get away网络解释

1. get away在线翻译

1. 逃脱,离开:get at 得到,接近;意思是 | getaway 逃脱,离开 | get by 通过,经过

2. 逃脱:1.reap n. 收获 | 2.getaway 逃脱 | 3.glowing adj. 热情洋溢的

3. 离开:I get across the meaning of every word. 我解释清楚了每一个单词的意思. | getaway 离开 | I must getaway from Beijing by noon. 我必须在中午以前离开北京.

4. get away

4. 逃脱;离开;出发:getaway with 侥幸做成;侥幸得手 | getaway 逃脱;离开;出发 | get back at 报复

get away词典解释

1. 离开;脱身
If you get away, you succeed in leaving a place or a person's company.

e.g. She'd gladly have gone anywhere to getaway from the cottage...
e.g. I wanted a divorce. I wanted to getaway.

2. 外出度假
If you get away, you go away for a period of time in order to have a holiday.

e.g. He is too busy to getaway.

3. (使)逃跑;(使)逃脱
When someone or something gets away, or when you get them away, they escape.

e.g. Dr Dunn was apparently trying to getaway when he was shot...
e.g. I wanted to get her away to somewhere safe.

4. 摆脱(旧思维等);跳出(窠臼)
If you get away from an old-fashioned or limited way of doing or thinking about something, you manage to do or think about it in a new way.

e.g. We want to getaway from the politics of outdated dogmatism and class confrontation.

get away英英释义


1. escape potentially unpleasant consequences
get away with a forbidden action

e.g. She gets away with murder!
I couldn't get out from under these responsibilities

Synonym: get offget byget outescape

2. run away from confinement

e.g. The convicted murderer escaped from a high security prison

Synonym: escapebreak loose

3. remove oneself from a familiar environment, usually for pleasure or diversion

e.g. We escaped to our summer house for a few days
The president of the company never manages to getaway during the summer

Synonym: escape

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