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go under
美音: [ɡəu ˈʌndə] 英音: [ɡo ˈʌndɚ]

go under基本解释

go under什么意思

破产; 沉没; 沉落; 失败

go under网络解释

1. go under的解释

1. 破产:buy out 购买(某人的)产权或全部货物 | gounder 破产 | take a nosedive (股市)大跌


2. 失败:gounder the knife 接受手术 | gounder 失败 | go up in smoke 化为乌有

3. go under的翻译

3. 沉没:go to the cinema 去看电影 | gounder 沉没 | go up 上升,增加

4. go under的近义词

4. 下沉,沉没;失败;破产:go through通过,审查,完成 | gounder下沉,沉没;失败;破产 | go up上升,增加;建起

go under词典解释

1. (商行等)倒闭,垮掉;(项目)中止,失败
If a business or project goes under, it becomes unable to continue in operation or in existence.

e.g. If one firm goes under it could provoke a cascade of bankruptcies.

2. (船)沉没;(人)沉入水中
If a boat, ship, or person in a sea or river goes under, they sink below the surface of the water.

e.g. The ship went under, taking with her all her crew.

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