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in the first place
美音: [in ðə fə:st pleis] 英音: [ɪn ði fɚst ples]

in the first place基本解释

in the first place的翻译

首先,从一开始; 压根儿; 固; 当初

in the first place是什么意思

in the first place网络解释

1. in the first place的反义词

1. 首先:然后下分为两点来说:第二句说公交车是公共交通工具,应该首先(inthefirstplace)满足人的需求. 第三句话说养宠物并不被禁止,但是带宠物上公交车,即使不是无修养的和非法的,也是不合适和不礼貌的. 该句中的难点是if not的用法,

2. in the first place

2. 起初,首先:inplace of 代替 | inthefirstplace 起初,首先 | inthe last place 最后

3. 起初,本来;首先:inplace of 代替 . | inthefirstplace 起初,本来;首先 . | out of place 不相称;不合适 .

4. 首先,第一点:124、inthe face of 面对;即使;在...前面 | 125、inthefirstplace 首先,第一点 | 126、inthe future 将来

in the first place英英释义


1. of primary import

e.g. this is primarily a question of economics
it was inthefirstplace a local matter

Synonym: primarily

2. before now

e.g. why didn't you tell me inthefirstplace?

Synonym: earlierin the beginningto begin withoriginally

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