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lay aside
美音: [lei əˈsaid] 英音: [le əˈsaɪd]

lay aside基本解释

放弃(某种习惯); 积蓄(金钱); 把…放在一边; 暂时搁置一边

lay aside网络解释

1. 把...放在一边;储存:laugh at 嘲笑 | layaside 把...放在一边;储存 | learn by heart 记住,背诵

2. 把......搁置一旁;留存,储存:laugh at 因......而发笑;嘲笑 | layaside 把......搁置一旁;留存,储存 | lay down 放下;制定(计划等)

3. 把...搁置一边;储蓄:know about听说,了解 | layaside把...搁置一边;储蓄 | lay down放下;制定,拟定

4. lay aside

4. 储蓄:laughing matter 无关紧要的事 | layaside 储蓄 | learn a lesson 受到教训

lay aside词典解释

1. 把…放在一边;把…搁置一边
If you lay something aside, you put it down, usually because you have finished using it or want to save it to use later.

e.g. He finished the tea and laid the cup aside...
e.g. This allowed Ms. Kelley to layaside money to start her business.

2. 放下,抛开(情感或信仰)
If you lay aside a feeling or belief, you reject it or give it up in order to progress with something.

e.g. Perhaps the opposed parties will layaside their sectional interests and rise to this challenge...
e.g. All animosities were laid aside for the moment.

lay aside英英释义


1. accumulate money for future use

e.g. He saves half his salary

Synonym: savesave up

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