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more or less
美音: [mɔ: ɔ: les] 英音: [mɔr ɔr lɛs]

more or less基本解释

多多少少; 差不多, 几乎; 大约; 多少不等

more or less相关例句


1. His explanation was moreorless helpful.

more or less情景对话

Easy and Difficult-(易学的和难学的语言)

A:People always say that Chinese and English are very hard to learn. Sometimes I wish I were learning French or Japanese. Maybe they'd be easier.
人们常说汉语和英语是很难学的。有的时候我想要是我学法语或日语就好了。 也许这两种语言容易些。

B:Maybe, but maybe not too. It all depends on what language you already speak.

more or less在线翻译

A:Why should that be? What diffrence does it make?

B:Well, languages are moreorless equally difficult.Most of the things one language says must be said by every language in some way.

A:You mean I could learn Chinese easily?

B:No, because your native language is Spanish. But Italian might be easy. It has a lot of words that are similar to words in Spanish. Even the sound systems are more similar than that of Chinese is to Spanish. How difficult a language is to learn depends mostly on how much it resembles your own language.

more or less网络解释

1. more or less在线翻译

1. 或多或少:根据我在BBC<>(MoreorLess)节目的同事提供的数据,自驾车平均每名乘客每公里排放二氧化碳127克,而公共汽车按平均乘载率计算是106克. 即便在伦敦,公共汽车也平均只有13名乘客. 这是公交系统面临的问题之一:为了吸引乘客,

2. more or less

2. 多或少:根据我在BBC<>(MoreorLess)节目的同事提供的数据,自驾车平均每名乘客每公里排放二氧化碳127克,而公共汽车按平均乘载率计算是106克. 即便在伦敦,公共汽车也平均只有13名乘客. 这是公交系统面临的问题之一:为了吸引乘客,

3. more or less在线翻译

3. 多多少少:他最近离开了<>(MoreorLess)的主持工作,这是英国广播电台(BBC)4台一个关于新闻里的数字的系列节目. 我被聘为新主持人,所以我已做好了接受说教(甚至是更糟)的准备. 我完全是杞人忧天:当他跨进房间时,他笑得很诚恳...

4. 或多或少,有点:many a 许多 | moreorless 或多或少,有点 | next door 隔壁的,在隔壁

5. more or less的近义词

5. more or less:mol; 增减

more or less英英释义


1. (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct

e.g. lasted approximately an hour
in just about a minute
he's about 30 years old
I've had about all I can stand
we meet about once a month
some forty people came
weighs around a hundred pounds
roughly $3,000
holds 3 gallons, moreorless
20 or so people were at the party

Synonym: approximatelyaboutclose tojust aboutsomeroughlyaroundor so

2. to a small degree or extent

e.g. his arguments were somewhat self-contradictory
the children argued because one slice of cake was slightly larger than the other

Synonym: slightlysomewhat

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