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out of place
美音: [aut ɔv pleis] 英音: [aʊt ʌv ples]

out of place基本解释

不合适; 不在应在的位置; 不恰当; 不协调

out of place在线翻译

out of place相关例句


1. His frank statements were really outofplace at the party.

2. Those wine bottles are outofplace in the children's playroom.

3. out of place在线翻译

3. His remarks were a bit outofplace.

4. Everything in the room was outofplace.

out of place网络解释

1. 不合适:否则,是不合适(outofplace)的. 对此,他们指出目前菲国堂区存在的现象,就是弥撒中的歌曲及音乐不对之处. 希望每个堂区在弥撒中真的能按大会的理想安排及咏唱合适的歌曲. 遗憾的是,堂区没有完全按照这些原则执行. 前不久,

2. out of place的反义词

2. 不适当的:outof order 出故障的 | outofplace 不适当的 | outof practice 久不练习,荒疏

3. 不得其所的,不适当的:in the last place 最后 | outofplace 不得其所的,不适当的 | take place 发生,进行

4. 不相称;不合适:in the first place 起初,本来;首先 . | outofplace 不相称;不合适 . | take place 发生;进行;举行 .

out of place英英释义

out of place


1. of an inappropriate or misapplied nature

Synonym: inapposite


1. in a setting where one is or feels inappropriate or incongruous

e.g. he felt outofplace in the lingerie shop

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