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美音: [klɪp] 英音: [klɪp]

第三人称单数:clips第三人称复数:clips现在分词:clipping过去分词:clipped; clipt过去式:clipped



名词修剪; (塑料或金属的)夹子; 回纹针; 剪报


及物动词剪; 剪掉; 缩短; 给…剪毛(或发)

不及物动词修剪; 剪; 剪下报刊上的文章(或新闻、图片等); 迅速行动



1. Soon the guard on the train came and clipped our tickets.

2. He spent the whole morning clipping the trees.

3. He clipped his finger nails.


1. Fasten these receipts with a paper clip, please.

2. The letters were held together with a paper clip.


1. 削波:远程电子器件套件(REK2)和超重低音电缆(SC nn)用于减少布线和方便使用. 显示指标 - 限幅(limit) / 削波(clip) 在 Pro C 28或O 500 C查看

2. clip

2. 夹:助焊剂(FLUX)须使用中性溶剂.1.4 芯固定方式可以夹(CLIP)或布(MYL)方式固定之(TAPE 2T

3. clip的解释

3. 裁剪:硬件完成输入图像的比例缩放(SCALE)、 裁剪(CLIP)和色度空间变换(COLOR SPACE CONVERTION),输入图像的 大小、位置可灵活设置,并可支持YUV422,RGB32,RGB24,RGB15, RGB16和Y8等多种图像显示和存储格式.


4. clip:connect – less interworking protocol; 无连接交互工作协议


5. clip:calling line identification presentation; 主叫线号码显示

6. clip:calling line identification parameters; 呼叫线识别参数

7. clip:call line identification presentation; 来话号码显示


1. (金属或塑料的)回形针,夹子
A clip is a small device, usually made of metal or plastic, that is specially shaped for holding things together.

e.g. She took the clip out of her hair.

2. (用夹子)夹住,夹在一起
When you clip things together or when things clip together, you fasten them together using a clip or clips.

e.g. He clipped his safety belt to a fitting on the deck...
e.g. He clipped his cufflinks neatly in place.

3. (电影、广播或电视节目的)剪辑,片段
A clip from a film or a radio or television programme is a short piece of it that is broadcast separately.

e.g. ...an historical film clip of Lenin speaking.
e.g. ...a clip from the movie 'Shane'.

4. (尤指为使某物成形而)修剪,剪
If you clip something, you cut small pieces from it, especially in order to shape it.


e.g. I saw an old man out clipping his hedge...
e.g. He had already clipped his hair close to the skull.

5. (从报纸或杂志上)剪下
If you clip something out of a newspaper or magazine, you cut it out.

e.g. Kids in his neighborhood clipped his picture from the newspaper and carried it around.

6. (意外地)斜撞,侧击
If something clips something else, it hits it accidentally at an angle before moving off in a different direction.

e.g. The lorry clipped the rear of a tanker and then crashed into a second truck.

7. (通常指作为惩罚的)耳光,抽打
If you give someone a clip round the ear, you hit their head fairly lightly with the palm of your hand, usually as a punishment.

e.g. The boy was later given a clip round the ear by his father.

8. 削减,缩短(时间)
If you clip a small amount off the time taken to do something, you reduce it by that amount.

e.g. Boardman finished in 1hr 43mins, clipping 49 seconds from his own course record.

9. 弹夹;弹匣;弹仓
An ammunition clip is a metal container on an automatic weapon which holds ammunition.

10. see also: clipping;clipped;bulldog clip;paper clip

11. 快速地;飞速地
If something moves or happens at a fast clip, it moves or happens quickly.

e.g. They moved out from the airport at a brisk clip...
e.g. Studios are releasing movies at a fast clip.

12. to clip someone's wings -> see wing



1. a sharp slanting blow

e.g. he gave me a clip on the ear

2. the act of clipping or snipping

Synonym: clippingsnip

3. a metal frame or container holding cartridges
can be inserted into an automatic gun

Synonym: cartridge holdercartridge clipmagazine

4. any of various small fasteners used to hold loose articles together

5. an article of jewelry that can be clipped onto a hat or dress

6. an instance or single occasion for some event

e.g. this time he succeeded
he called four times
he could do ten at a clip

Synonym: time


1. terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent

e.g. My speech was cut short
Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries

Synonym: curtailcut short

2. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

e.g. dress the plants in the garden

Synonym: snipcroptrimlopdressprunecut back

3. attach with a clip

e.g. clip the papers together

4. sever or remove by pinching or snipping

e.g. nip off the flowers

Synonym: nipnip offsnipsnip off

5. run at a moderately swift pace

Synonym: trotjog

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