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put across
美音: [put əˈkrɔs] 英音: [pʊt əˈkrɔs]

put across基本解释

put across的解释

把…横置于…上; 把…送到…的对面; 用欺骗的方法使(某人)接受或相信; 解释

put across相关例句


1. He failed to putacross his feelings when they went out together.

2. put across

2. A good commercial puts across the attractive features of a product.


3. It was not easy to put the idea across to the public at that time.

put across网络解释

1. 解释清楚,说明:pull up (使)停下 | putacross解释清楚,说明 | put aside储存,保留

2. 解释清楚;做成(交易):on purpose 为了;故意地 . | putacross 解释清楚;做成(交易) . | put aside 储存,保留 .

3. 圆满完成, 使被接受:TSU Technical Service Unit技术服务处[美] | putacross 圆满完成, 使被接受 | naegite 苗木石, 锆铀矿, 稀土锆石

4. 解释清楚;使人接受:off point离题 | putacross解释清楚;使人接受 | put aside放在一边;储存;保留

put across词典解释

1. 描述出;解释清楚;使被人理解
When you put something across or put it over, you succeed in describing or explaining it to someone.

e.g. He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across...
e.g. This is actually a very entertaining book putting over serious health messages...

put across英英释义


1. transmit information

e.g. Please communicate this message to all employees
pass along the good news

Synonym: communicatepass onpasspass along

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