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pass off
美音: [pɑ:s ɔf] 英音: [pæs ɔf]

pass off基本解释

冒充; 发生; 逐渐消失; 转移注意

pass off相关例句



1. Has your pain passed off yet?

2. The meeting passed off successfully.

pass off网络解释

1. 中止,停止:pass away 去世,逝世 | passoff 中止,停止 | pass out 失去知觉,昏倒

2. pass off的解释

2. (感觉等)终止;中止:pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 | passoff (感觉等)终止;中止 | pass on 把...传给别人;转入

3. 逐渐消失;不加理会,回避;顺利;进行;把...冒充为,假称是:pass for 被认为是,被当作...;冒充... | passoff 逐渐消失;不加理会,回避;顺利;进行;把...冒充为,假称是 | pass on 传给;传下去;转入,往下谈;去世

pass off词典解释

1. (顺利地)进行,举行
If an event passes off without any trouble, it happens and ends without any trouble.

e.g. The main demonstration passed off peacefully...
e.g. The event passed off without any major incidents.

pass off英英释义

pass off的解释


1. expel (gases or odors)

Synonym: emitbreathe

2. come to pass

e.g. What is happening?
The meeting took place off without an incidence
Nothing occurred that seemed important

Synonym: happenhapgo onoccurpassfall outcome abouttake place

3. disappear gradually

e.g. The pain eventually passed off

Synonym: evanescefadeblow overfleetpass

4. disregard

e.g. She passed off the insult

5. cause to be circulated and accepted in a false character or identity

e.g. She passed the glass off as diamonds
He passed himself off as a secret agent

6. be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity

e.g. She passed off as a Russian agent

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