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reaction to
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reaction to单语例句

1. My gut reaction upon hearing of garlic's rise was to get off my butt and go buy as much as I could.

2. " Caning is probably not a bad example, " Johnson said of shareholders'reactionto Anthony's pay package.

3. The reaction was in contrast to the shock that followed Saddam's capture by US troops in December 2003.

4. And the soaring tariff for electricity testifies to the chain reaction of drought in the field of energy.

5. But the suing countries should notice that their actions might invoke a chain reaction contrary to their own measures.

6. The stumble started a chain reaction that resulted in a stampede that caused many others to fall and be trampled.

7. This has sparked a chain reaction within the industry, prompting steelmakers to step up prices to grab part of the profits.

8. The shopkeeper dashed over to steady the first bike and prevent the potentially expensive chain reaction.

9. And in case it becomes the US'official policy, the chain reaction would be too devastating for the American market to withstand.

10. China refused to depreciate its currency to protect the Asian economy and avoid triggering a chain reaction in the region.

reaction to的翻译

reaction to双语例句

1. reaction to的翻译

1. In solvent and under the action of certain catalyst, anilino methyl siloxane is reacted to obtain solid cage anilino methyl sesquisiloxane octamer acid salt; and through filtering, washing, precipitation and reaction with amine desalting agent, cage anilino methyl sesquisiloxane octamer is finally prepared.

2. The four most common phenotypes are A, B, AB, and O, referring to the type of antigen is presentor absenton the surface of a client's red blood cells, Routine testing usually involves only the Rh antigen. if an Rh-negative clinet receives Rh-positive blood, he or she will develop Rh antibodies, and future Rh-positive transfusions may cause a transfusion reaction. in pregnancy, antibodies from an Rh-negative mother may hemolyze fetal(erythroblastosis fetalis, or hemolytic disease of the newborn).
四种最普遍的表现型是A、B、AB、阿,这类型的抗原或表面上的一个客户的红血球、常规测试通常涉及到只有Rhantigen.if准备一Rh-positive接受血液,跟他或她将发展Rh抗体和未来的Rh-positive输血可能引起输血反应,在怀孕期间的母亲可能会产生抗体hemolyze北京(erythroblastosis fetalis或胎儿的新生儿疾病溶血试验确定具体)。

3. In order to increase the reaction rate of the heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidation, the catalyst of Fe3+C2O4/R was used to catalytically decompose H2O2 for the removal of malachite green in aqueous solution under the visible light irradiation condition.


4. After the reaction, the filtrate was returned and used to leach the calcium carbide residue to obtain the circulation using.

5. reaction to

5. In addition, the internal reaction medium leakage would generate strong corrosion of external layers, and the steam medium containing chloride ions can also lead to outer side stress corrosion cracking of the liner.

6. reaction to

6. Fisher Model put forward the theory that assets nominal profit rate move in the same direction with anticipate inflation rate, namely anticipate inflation rate raises 1% will lead to 1% in stock profit rate. As this model interprets stock profit rate and inflation rate in the United States, in experiment a conclusion is drawn that stock actual profit rate has no reaction with inflation rate in short term, but a relation of direct proportion exists in long term.

7. It can be used in catalysis oxidative reaction, and the organic sulfurous compound can be inverted to more polarity oxysulfide sulfoxide with it.

8. reaction to的解释

8. In part three, the absorption spectra of TCPP and TCPP-protein complexes are investigated in detail. The reaction mechanism of TCPP with protein is considered to be the same as that of TPPS〓.


9. They are the ionotropic receptors one kind, and plays the strong character in the numerous complex physiologies and the pathological reaction, including anxious, main center sensation, chronic potentiation, circumference immunity, internal organs ache, cell necrosis as well as ptosis, and maintains with over sensitivity to pain's response.
它们是ionotropic receptors的一种并且在众多复杂的生理及病理反应中扮演重要角色,包括紧张、中枢感知、慢性势差现象、外周免疫、内脏疼痛、细胞坏死以及下垂症,和痛觉过敏的反应和保持。

10. Additionally, the simulation result solute that distribution of the solute is diluted by the biodegradation reaction. To some extent, the groundwater system is purifid.

11. Solani hemorrhoid therapy: a drug-twist therapy, will enable the hemorrhoid tissue abnormalities and chemical inflammatory reaction, caused by fibrous tissue hyperplasia, to achieve the purpose of the treatment of hemorrhoids.

12. Peripheral rim enhancement noted on post contrast study is due to peripheral inflammatory reaction.

13. The application results from fluorination showed microwave heating could accelerate chemical reactions markedly. The reaction time could be shortened 50% at least than that of conventional heating. The relationship between fluorinating agents'structure and their activity was studied systematically. In addition, an anhydrous KF with higher activity was prepared by using expansion effect of microwave heating. As we known, solvents were very important toreaction. The comprehensive study showed some less polar aromatic solvents could be used as dipolar solvents. In addition, they had better effect than dipolar solvents in some occasions, such as fluorination of chlorobenzaldehydes and chlorinated diphenyl ketones etc. The primary applications of ionic liquids were also studied which indicated reactions with ionic liquids as solvents were more efficient and simple.

14. Inspect whether there is material in reaction kettle 3, and close all valves after inletting, then open the heating system and inlet valve and emptying valve of recovery tank to distill for dehydration.

15. The proposed FI high temperature reaction system was also applied to the determination of total reducing sugars in tobacco.


16. Results of endurance on temperature indicated that both wild and domestic pigs have different reaction of none adaptation below-13℃ or above 27℃, but wild pig has stronger endurance to high and low temperature than Bamei. It shows that the range of temperature from -13℃ to 27℃ is relatively fitting the growth and activities of wild pigs. 8 Analyzing synthetically the effects of light intensity on activity frequency and intake of wild pig, Bamei and Landrace, the range of light intensity adapted to wild pig is smaller than the domestic, but the variance of light intensity has more effects on wild pig within a fitting range of light intensity.

17. This dissertation is mainly comprised of three parts: Part I: Total syntheses of-dihydrokavain, -dihydrokavain and-kavainStarting from the cheap chiral source, we got the targeted molecule-Dihydrokavain with 25% yield via sonochemical Blaise reaction as a key step; then got its enantiomer through Mitsunobu reactionto make the chiral center inverse.

18. Theoretical analysis and experimental results indicate that reaction of zinc with selenide as fully as possible under H2-O2 flame at about 1500℃ is the key step in the synthesis process and prolonging holding time at high temperature, which makes the diffuse reaction adequately take place, is favourable to obtain stoichiometry ZnSe polycrystalline.

19. The in-situ reaction method is studied to synthesize the reinforcements. The composites reinforced with 10-100nm AlTi phases or 10 microns Mg2Si phase are fabricated successfully, in which the reinforcements disperse homogenously as well as the volume percentages and sizes of the particles can be controlled. Based on the computer simulation, the behavior of the melt and the reinforcements involved in it are researched systematically in the electromagnetic field. The physical mechanism and principles of the nonmetallic particles movement in the metal liquid are established and the physical model and dynastic functions are obtained. The influences of the processing parameters on the reinforcement's distribution are studied. The main parameters such as melt temperature, imposing time, imposing type and frequency of the EM are optimized. The results of the simulation and mathematic analysis are validated by the experiments.

20. First of WangYueLun said that when my father was very nervous, LiXiang after pregnancy and LiXiang due to eat anything serious, reaction, still hospitalized for a long time, he was busy every day and had to go to movies, hospital, Mrs. Take care of all get his fear LiXiang rehabilitation hospital, until, and it can eat can sleep, he just slightly.

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